

exclam. “Great!”; “Excellent!” (Usually Awesome! Standard English, but used often in slang.)
You own that gorgeous hog? Awesome!Awesome! I'm impressed.
mod. suitable; excellent; good. (Black.)
I got some new silks that are really bad.That is a bad man dancing there.Look at those really bad shoes on that guy.
mod. really excellent.
We had a bang-up time at your bash.I like to throw a bang-up party once or twice a year.Another bang-up day at the factory!
n. someone or something excellent, not necessarily beautiful.
Man, this fishing rod's a beaut!This is a beaut of a day!
mod. very satisfying; excellent.
This wine is really beautiful!Man, this place is beautiful. You got your own sink and toilet right in the room and good strong bars to keep the riffraff out.
n. the best; the finest. (Always with the. A noun with the force of an adjective.)
Those people are really the berries.Man, this stuff is the berries!
bitchin' and bitchen
(Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)
mod. excellent; great; classy.
This is a totally bitchin' pair of jeans!This is a way bitchen rally, my man!
exclam. “Terrific!” (Usually Bitchin'! )
Bitchin'! Let's do it again!Four of them? Bitchen!
mod. great; excellent.
Man, this place is really bogus!Sam and Charlie had a really bogus time at the jig.
mod. great; outstanding.
Bold move, Charles. You outfoxed them.The movie we saw last night was really bold.
exclam. “That's great!”; “That's good enough to earn a bonus!”
Bonus! That's the best news I've heard in a long time!The teacher's sick? Bonus!
mod. excellent; powerful.
Man, what a brutal tune!That last wave was brutal to the max.
cat's meow
n. something really fine.
This stuff is really the cat's meow.Hearing all the old big band music again is the cat's meow.
mod. great; excellent.
I had one chillin' time last night.Everybody there was chillin'.
mod. nice; cool.
We had a choice time at Tom's party.This new tunage is real choice.
mod. excellent. (Very cool.)
That last pitch was cold, man.Hey, G! That's a cold ride.
mod. good; excellent.
This is a really cool setup!Then this, like, cool muscleman comes over and asks Tiffany if she'd like to dance.
Cool beans! and Cool bananas!
exclam. “Wow!”
Cool beans, man. That's great!You got a car? Cool bananas!
mod. excellent; powerful.
This pizza is absolutely cosmic!Who wants to see a really cosmic movie?
mod. (of a person) excellent; topflight.
The dealer's crack salesman was no help at all.With our crack staff, we can have everything worked out in no time.
mod. excellent; industrious.
Fred is a crackerjack stockbroker, but his personal life is a mess.Clare is a crackerjack teacher, but she is looking for something that pays a real salary.
mod. exciting; excellent.
This record is really cranking!We had a massively cranking time at your set.
mod. cool.
This stuff is really crazy, man. I love it!What a crazy dress. It makes you look like a million.
n. an excellent thing.
This little car is a real daisy.I want a daisy of a haircut. Something unusual with bangs or something.
mod. very good.
We stopped for a while in this real dank little bistro on the main boulevard.This wine is so dank!
n. an excellent person or thing.
Carl is a real darb. I'm glad to know him.What a swell darb of a car!
mod. excellent.
Did you see Kelly's deathly new convertible?That's a deathly idea!
mod. good; very good.
This is some pretty decent jazz.Your threads are decent, all right.
mod. better; cool. (Originally Black. From definitive.)
Man, that yogurt is def!What a def set of threads!
mod. really good.
Fred had a really diesel idea, but no money to carry it out.I am set for a diesel evening and I intend to enjoy it.
n. something excellent.
This little car is a real dilly.What a dilly of an apartment!
doosie and doozie; doozy
n. something extraordinary, good or bad.
The trade show was a real doozy this year.Old Gert was a real doozy.
mod. best; most excellent.
My roommate is really dope. Great guy!We had a great time there. It was dope and dudical.
mod. stunning enough to make one drop dead.
I had my living room done in a bright drop-dead red that makes your blood run cold!She stood up and made this drop-dead announcement about getting married, and I thought I would just scream.
mod. okay; good. (Often used sarcastically.)
Now, isn't that just ducky?That's a ducky idea!
mod. excellent.
The game was severely dude! We won!This whole day has been dude and fat.
mod. really good.
It is truly dudical to see you here, Dave.What a dudical crib!
mod. excellent.
This wine is really evil!Man, what evil fronts!
exclam. “Fine!” (Like awesome, this expression is a standard word used frequently in slang contexts.)
A new stereo? Excellent!Excellent! Way rad!
mod. fabulous.
Man, what a fab stereo!Your pad is not what I'd call fab. Just okay.
exclam. “Great!” (A blend of fantastic and fabulous.)
You're here at last. Fantabulous!Fantabulous! It's finished.
far out
mod. cool; great; extraordinary.
This jazz is really far out!You want to hear some far out heavy metal?
mod. great; excellent.
The fireworks in the park were really fat this year!Mary thought the rally was fat, but left early anyway.
fer shur
phr. “for sure”; “absolutely.” (Eye-dialect. Used in writing only for effect.)
This is way rad, fer shur.I'll be there. Fer shur!
fine and dandy
mod. nice; good; well. (Often sarcastic.)
Well, that's just fine and dandy. Couldn't be better.I feel fine and dandy, and I'm going to have a good time here.
mod. cool; okay.
Gee, that's not fresh. Too bad.That stuff 's really fresh. It's a winner.
mod. grand; wonderful.
The curtains parted to the most froody, funky set I've ever seen.Man, is this froody!Oh, you have some froody ideas, all right. But can you carry them out?
mod. cool; really cool and mellow.
That music is really frosty.We had a frosty time, didn't we?
mod. very good.
This tunage is funky-fresh—to my ears, anyway.Mary is funky-fresh when she works out, but a real slow runner when she's been lazy.
mod. excellent.
This jazz is really gear!Man, what a gear pizza!
mod. excellent; great. (California.)
This pizza is too gnarly for words!Who is that narly guy in the white sweater?
mod. cool; out of this world.
This ice cream is gone, man, gone!She is one real gone chick.
mod. cool; pleasant.
Man, this music is groovy.What a groovy day!
mod. really fine.
Man, this is some heavy chocolate cake!This stuff is really heavy!This is a real heavy thing you're doing for me.
mod. wild; excellent. (Use caution with hell.)
What a hellacious good time we had!Sally throws one hellacious party.
hell of a someone or something and helluva someone or something
n. a very good person or thing. (Use caution with hell.)
He is one hell of a guy. We really like him.We had a helluva good time.
honey of a something
n. a very special something; an excellent example of something.
This is a honey of a car. Wanna drive it?Now, here's a honey of a little stereo receiver.
hotshot and hot-shot
mod. brilliant; great.
Wally is becoming a real hot-shot tenor with the local opera company.So, you're the hot-shot guy who's going to straighten this place out.
mod. fine; great.
Well, isn't that just hotsy-totsy.I don't feel so hotsy-totsy.
humdinger and hummer
n. someone or something excellent.
Now, this one is a real humdinger.Yup, he's a hummer all right.
mod. really good; excellent.
Now this is a truly hype pizza!This rally is really hype!
mod. excellent; very cool.
Her answer was ice, and she really put down that guy.Man, this stuff is ice!
in fine feather
mod. in good form; in good spirits.
Mary is really in fine feather tonight.I feel in fine feather and ready to go!
in rare form
mod. well-tuned for a good performance; at one's best.
He is in rare form today.We are not exactly in rare form on Monday mornings.
mod. excellent.
This music is really jamming.What a jamming class session.
n. something that can be kept; something that qualifies.
This fish is a keeper. Throw the others out.The chipped one is not a keeper.
kickin' and kicken
mod. wild; super; excellent.
Your rally was really kickin'.I don't know where you get your clothes, but that jacket's kickin'.
n. something extraordinary.
That jacket is a real killer!That car is a killer. I like it!
mod. extraordinary; great.
What a killer jacket you're wearing!This is a killer hamburger, all right.
n. an excellent thing or person.
She is just a real killer-diller.This story is a real killer-diller.
like a million (dollars)
mod. very good or well. (Usually with feel.)
This old buggy runs like a million dollars.Man, I feel like a million.
mod. cool; great.
Everything's live! No problem!It's live and ice. No problem, man.
Love you!
exclam. “You are great!” (Almost meaningless patter.)
See ya around, Martin. Let's do lunch! Love ya! Bye-bye.Nice talking to you, babe. Love you!
mod. excellent; serious; severe. (Collegiate.)
This rally is, like, major!Wally is one of the most major beach guys!
mod. excellent. (California.)
The bash at Tiffany's was, like, massive!That was a totally massive party, Tiff.
mod. having to do with someone or something that is very good; cool.
This music is mean, man, mean. What a great sound!This is the meanest wine I ever drank.
mod. having to do with an excellent example of the art of doing something well habitually. (Always with a as in the examples.)
John plays the piano quite well. Fred says that John plays a mean piano.You may say that your mother bakes delicious pies, but all my friends say she bakes a mean pie.Tom says that his father plays a mean game of golf.
mod. good-looking; superior. (As in mint condition.)
Look at that guy. He's really mint, right?These tunes are mint, all right!
n. something that is the best. (Always with the.)
This noodle stuff is the most, Mom!Sally is the most! Can she dance!
mod. great; cool; fine.
What a neat idea!That was not a very neat thing to do.
mod. neat; smart.
That is a pretty nifty car you have there.Yes, it is nifty.
not too shabby
mod. (with emphasis on shabby) “nice”; “well done.”
Is that your car? Not too shabby!That play was not too shabby.
Oh, boy!
exclam. “Wow!”
Oh, boy! What a mess!Oh, boy! That was a great play!
on it
mod. really good.
Man, Weasel is really on it! What a rad lad!Susan is on it, and getting lots of attention for her running style.
mod. great.
This is one fine, organic rally! I'm glad I stopped by.Wow, this whole day was organic!
n. someone or something excellent. (Usually a person.)
That guy's a real peach.This is a peach of a car!
peachy (keen)
mod. fine; excellent.
Your idea is really peachy!What a peachy keen idea!
mod. great; first-class.
This pizza is really primo.Sally is primo. You can't do better than Sally.
mod. great; wonderful; excellent; exciting. (California. From radical.)
Oh my God, that's, like, really rad!What a rad swimsuit!
mod. great; excellent. (California.)
It's so, like, radical!My boyfriend, he's, like, so radical!
mod. excellent. (Collegiate.)
Her party was really rattling.What a rattling place to live!
mod. good; of good quality. (Originally black.)
She is a righteous mama.Max told me about some righteous grass he's got.This stuff is really righteous!
mod. excellent. (Collegiate.)
Man, what a rocking party!This set is really rocking.We had a rocking time!
mod. good; satisfactory.
Things are looking rosy now that the economy is improving.Doesn't look like a very rosy future.When the stock market crashed, nothing looked rosy.
mod. excellent. (Collegiate.)
This is really a savage piece of music.Man, Fred is a totally savage guy.Wow, is he savage!
mod. really hot; about to win something big.
Let me roll again. I'm really scorching.Here comes a scorching runner!He says he's scorching. Get out of his way.
mod. good; profound; excellent.
He plays some serious guitar.Man, these tunes are, like, serious.
mod. excellent.
This is a real slick setup you got here.That is a slick idea.The idea is not so slick!
mod. excellent; cool.
Look at Jim's sly new ride.That is really a sly jacket you got there.
mod. excellent; really tremendous.
We had a smashing time at your little do.This whole meal has been smashing.
mod. really hot; overpowering.
Those threads on that dude are really smokin'.If you wanna hear some smokin' vinyl, just stay tuned.
mod. good; great; cool.
Man, this music is solid!Listen to that solid beat.
some pumpkins and some punkins
mod. great or special.
That chick is some punkins!Isn't this little gadget really some pumpkins?
mod. excellent.
This is a real spiffy place you've got here, Sam.Come have a look at my spiffy new car.Doesn't look so spiffy to me.
n. an extraordinary thing or person.
Bob is a real standout in our bowling league.This car is a real standout as a speed machine.
mod. excellent; grand.
It was a stellar performance, and the applause was thunderous.Ronald Simpson gave us a stellar characterization of Boris, but the chorus was a disappointment.The chorus was stellar!
mod. excellent; wild.
That car is really stokin'.We had a stokin' time at Fred's house.
stone groove
n. something really satisfying; a fine party or concert.
This affair is not what I would call a stone groove. Stone beige, maybe.Ted's do was a stone groove.
mod. excellent.
This news is truly straight and I am happy to hear it.You are a straight G.
stupid fresh
mod. very, very good.
Her looks were stupid fresh. Bonus!This ice cream is stupid fresh and needs to be eaten in great volumes.
mod. fine; excellent.
This report is just super!Who made the super pie?
super-duper and super-dooper
mod. excellent.
That's just super-duper. Couldn't have asked for better.Where is this super-dooper car of yours?
mod. excellent; wonderful.
This dude is really superfly.I don't care about this superfly gent of yours. If he doesn't have a job, I don't want you seeing him anymore. Ya hear?
mod. wonderful; with it. (California.)
This party is, like, surf.This is not what I would call a surf day.
mod. good; profitable; excellent.
I got involved in a sweet deal having to do with a better job.Fred offered Bill a sweet contract, but Bill turned it down.
mod. fine; excellent. (Also sarcastic use.)
Where did you get that swell hat?Oh that's just swell! Yuck!
mod. really fine. (From swell and elegant.)
Gee, this place is sure swellelegant!It is not swellelegant.Her car is just swellelegant.
mod. great.
We had a swinging time at John's rally.The concert was swinging—nothing like it, ever.
mod. high-quality.
This is one tall pizza, man.You're bringing in some tall ideas, man.
mod. excellent.
Who is throwing this tawny party anyway?This pizza is, like, tawny!
mod. excellent.
Glad to hear it. That's just terrific.What a terrific idea!
mod. excellent.
This stuff is toast!Your silks are real toast.
too much
mod. overwhelming; excellent.
It's wonderful. It's just too much!You are so kind. This is too much.
tr. to surpass someone or something.
Can you top this one?I'll try to top your joke.
mod. top-quality.
Podunk U. is a really top-drawer school.I want to hire a young MBA who's top-drawer.
mod. of the highest caliber.
This candy is top-flight in every sense.We are looking for a top-flight manager for our new division.
tripped out
mod. great; excellent.
This party is really tripped out, right?We had a tripped-out time in class today. The teacher brought his pet rabbit.
mod. excellent. (Surfing and later general youth slang. Having to do with a tube [wave] that is good to surf in.)
That pizza was totally tubular!This whole week is, like, tubular.
mod. great; excellent.
Man, this burger is really vicious.That guy is one vicious driver, all right.That was a really vicious concert last night.
in. to be great.
Things really started to wail about midnight when the band really got going.This pizza really wails.
wailing and whaling
mod. excellent. (Teens.)
Man, that's wailing!What a whaling guitar!
way rad
mod. quite excellent. (California.)
Oh, Tiff! That's way rad!You are? Way rad!
whale on
mod. excellent.
This is one whale on rally.We had a whale on time at Bob's house.
mod. great.
The band was whipped and the food was unbelievable.You look whipped, Sam. Things going well?
mod. excellent; impressive.
Now, this is what I call a wicked guitar.Man, this wine is wicked!
n. an excellent person or thing.
This one is a real winner.He's no winner, but he'll do.
mod. absolutely top rate.
Now, this is a world-class computer. Lots and lots of memory.I want to see one of your world-class automobiles, whatever that might mean.This one isn't worldclass.




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