

词组 Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs
British & Australian an ordinary person.
There's no point asking your average Joe Bloggs what he thinks about opera.
Joe Bloggs
noun everyman; a notional average man UK, 1969
idiomJoe Bloggs BrEBrE Joe Schmoe/Public AmE a name used to represent all ordinary people and their thoughts, feelings, and situations:I bet if you asked Joe Bloggs on the street what he thought about it, he'd say throw the bastards out of Parliament.Carson virtually bought his not guilty verdict because he was rich enough to hire lawyers who tore up the prosecutors. If he was Joe Schmoe from nowhere, making $20,000 a year, he'd be in jail.
NoteIn American English you may hear people use other names like these. For example, people often use Joe Blow, Joe Average, or John Q. Public. The last name can also be made specific in order to talk about people who do a particular type of activity or job:I wouldn't recognise him if I saw him again. He was just kind of Joe Businessman, you know wearing a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase.When I first got out to the Philippines, I thought I was cool - I was mister Joe Christian, and I was going to tell them all about Jesus Christ

Joe Bloggs

A typical, ordinary, average person. (Though suggesting a male given the use of "Joe," it does not necessarily refer to a man.) Their security is so lax that any old Joe Bloggs could walk right up and take their equipment. For any new piece of technology to succeed in the market these days, it has to be easy for any Joe Bloggs to pick up and use.

ˌJoe ˈBloggs

(British English) (American English ˌJoe ˈBlow) (informal) a way of referring to a typical ordinary person: What will this promised cut in taxes really mean to Joe Bloggs and his family?As the son of a senator, of course he has advantages that the average Joe Blow doesn’t have.




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