

词组 ham up
Phr V
ham up
hams, hamming, hammed
ham it up
informal to perform or behave in a false way, especially in a way that makes people laugh
Lawrence plays the part of a film star, hamming it up hilariously in every scene.They hammed it up for the TV cameras, gazing lovingly at each other throughout the interview.
phraseham up
ham it up informal to behave or perform in a silly or funny way or with a lot of false emotion, in order to get people's attention or entertain them: Karpow was in a good mood at a news conference last Tuesday, hamming it up and chatting easily with reporters.+ for On Christmas Eve night, he'll put on a Santa suit and ham it up for the kids.

ham it up

To act in an exaggerated way, typically in order to be funny. Your daughter loves to ham it up for the camera—you might have a little actress on your hands!

ham up

To exaggerate a performance or act in an overstated or over-the-top manner, often to the level of being irksome or inappropriate. A noun or pronoun can be used between "ham" and "up." This is a serious play, so please don't ham up your part. My toddlers like to ham it up whenever we have company.

ham something up

Fig. to make a performance seem silly by showing off or exaggerating one's part. (A show-off actor is known as a ham.) Come on, Bob. Don't ham it up! The play was going fine until Bob got out there and hammed up his part.

ham up

Exaggerate or overdo, especially with extravagant emotion, as in Hamming up the eulogy was disgraceful, especially since he didn't even know the deceased. It is also put as ham it up, meaning "overact," as in She loves to ham it up in front of the class. This idiom probably alludes to the hamfat (lard) used to remove stage makeup, mentioned in the minstrel song, "The Ham-Fat Man." From this hamfatter came to mean "an inexpert and flamboyant actor," and was in the late 1800s shortened to ham. The idiom here was first recorded in 1933.

ˌham it ˈup

(informal) (especially of actors) when people ham it up, they deliberately exaggerate their emotions or movements: When we realized we were being filmed, we all started behaving differently, hamming it up for the cameras.
A ham is an informal word for an actor who performs badly, especially by exaggerating emotions.




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