

词组 bucketing
释义 (redirected from bucketing)


1. n. the goal (hoop and net) in basketball. (Sports.) Freddy arced one at the bucket and missed.
2. n. a hoop or basket in basketball. (Sports.) Four buckets in two minutes. Is that a record, or what?
3. n. the buttocks. (see also can.) Sam’s getting a real fat bucket, isn’t he?
4. n. an old car. (From bucket of bolts.) How much did you pay for that old bucket?
  • a drop in the bucket
  • a drop in the ocean
  • bit-bucket
  • bolt bucket
  • brain bucket
  • bucket
  • bucket down
  • bucket list
  • bucket of bolts
  • can't carry a tune
  • come down in buckets
  • couldn't carry a note in a bucket
  • couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
  • don't amount to a bucket of spit
  • drool bucket
  • drop in the bucket
  • For crying out loud!
  • gash bucket
  • go to hell in a bucket
  • gut-bucket
  • Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!
  • hell's bells and buckets of blood
  • kick off
  • kick the bucket
  • kick the bucket, to
  • light bucket
  • rain cats and dogs
  • rust bucket
  • scut bucket
  • scuzzbucket
  • sleaze-bucket
  • slime bag
  • slime bucket
  • sweat buckets
  • weep buckets




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