

词组 evils
idiomevilsthe lesser of two evilsused about the less unpleasant or harmful of two unpleasant choices or possibilities:Regarding the nationalists as the lesser of two evils, he joined with them to fight the foreign invasion.I was so ill that at one point I had decided that dying would be the lesser of two evils.
(redirected from evils)


mod. excellent. (see also wicked.) This wine is really evil!
  • a necessary evil
  • choice between (of) two evils, a
  • choose the lesser of two evils
  • evil
  • Evil be to him who evil thinks
  • evil eye
  • evil eye, the
  • evil triumphs when good men do nothing
  • evil twin
  • evilware
  • give (one) the evil eye
  • give somebody the evil eye
  • give someone the evil eye
  • Idleness is the root of all evil
  • lesser evil
  • lesser of two evils
  • money is the root of all evil
  • necessary evil
  • put off the evil day
  • put off the evil hour
  • see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
  • Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
  • Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
  • the evil eye
  • the evil hour/day/moment
  • the evil moment/hour/day
  • the evil one
  • the lesser evil
  • the lesser of two evils




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