词组 | jimmy |
释义 | jimmy Ⅰ 1. noun 1 the penis US, 1988. 2 a condom US, 1990. 3 an injection of an illegal drug into the skin, not a vein US, 1952. 4 a short crowbar used by burglars UK, 1811. 5 a glass of beer. Homage to James Boag, a brewer AUSTRALIA, 1995. 6 a railway coal truck US, 1946 2. verb 1 to pry open US, 1854. 2 to obtain free entry into a cinema, or a theatre, or an enclosure at a race meeting, by underhand means UK, 1977 Ⅱ ⇨ Jimmy Boyle; jimmy noun foil (used in the preparation of heroin). Rhyming slang, based on the name of Jimmy Boyle (b.1944), a convicted murderer turned sculptor and novelist UK, 1996 Ⅲ ⇨ Jimmy Hill; jimmy noun 1 a bill. Rhyming slang, based on the name of former footballer now television sports presenter Jimmy Hill (b.1928) UK, 2002. 2 a pill. Rhyming slang, formed from the name of former footballer now television sports presenter Jimmy Hill (b.1928) UK, 1992 Ⅳ ⇨ Jimmy Riddle; jimmy 1. noun an act of urination; urine. Rhyming slang for PIDDLE UK, 1931 2. verb to urinate. Rhyming slang for PIDDLE UK, 1937 Ⅴ ⇨ Jimmy Young; jimmy noun 1 a tongue. Rhyming slang UK, 1992. 2 a bribe. Rhyming slang for BUNG; formed from the name of a singer-turned-radio disc jockey (b.1923) UK, 1992 Jimmy noun 1 in Glasgow, used as a term of address to any male stranger UK: SCOTLAND, 1985. 2 anything produced by the truck division of General Motors US, 1953 jimmy something uppry something up. See if you can jimmy this window up. Can you jimmy up this window? jimmy n. the penis. (From the proper name Jimmy or from the name for a short crowbar.) The streaker covered his jimmy and ran across the field. jimmy cap n. a condom. (see also jimmy.) You better get a jimmy cap on that. |
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