

词组 potential
grist for someone's mill
something that can be put to good use or that can bring advantage or profit. (Grist was corn brought to a mill to be ground and so kept the mill operating.)
Some of the jobs that we are offered are more interesting than others, but each one is grist for my mill.The company is having to sell some tacky-looking dresses, but they are grist for their mill and keep the company in business.
have a lot of promise
to be very promising; to have a good future ahead.
Sally is quite young, but she has a lot of promise.This bush is small, but it has a lot of promise.
make something out of nothing
to create something of value from nearly worthless parts.
My uncle—he sells sand—made a fortune out of nothing.My model airplane won the contest even though I made it out of nothing.

potential formal date

Someone one might like or be able to take as a date to a formal dance in college. I thought he might be a great potential formal date, but I heard he'd already asked another girl to go with him. I just think it would be easier if everyone still looking for a date to their formal just wore a nameplate reading "potential formal date."

realize (one's) potential

To perform to the utmost of one's abilities; to find as much success as is possible for one. "Potential" is often modified by "full" or "true." I wish you would realize your true potential instead of wasting your talents in this dead-end job. I've decided to start training with the Olympic team so I can realize my full potential.

realize one's potential

to fulfill one's potential; to do as well as one possibly can. I hope I can get a good education so lean realize my potential.




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