

词组 railroading

railroad (one) into (something)

To force one into some action or situation by putting a lot of pressure on one to hurry and acquiesce right away. I feel like the doctors railroaded me into getting this dangerous surgery, even though there's no guarantees that it will work or even help! Don't let them railroad you into signing any contracts until you've had a chance for your lawyer to look over them.

railroad (something) through

To force the passage or acceptance of something, especially legislation, by an authoritative body such haste and pressure that the normal careful considerations of its implications are avoided. Riding a strong wave of pro-nationalist sentiment, the senator was able to railroad a bill through congress that would criminalize public criticism of the government. After the scandal, the board of directors of the giant corporation railroaded a policy change through that would curtail the rights of employees around the country.




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