释义 | BG interj. “big grin.” (An initialism used in computer communications to show that the writer is joking or happy. Not pronounced. Often enclosed, <BG>.)I haven't seen you on the board. I thought you had run away from home. <BG>Your last message was filled with misspelled words, but I think I could understand what you meant. <BG> BRB interj. “Be right back.” (Used in electronic mail and computer communications. Not pronounced aloud. Often enclosed, <BRB>.)I have to get off the computer for a minute.<BRB> I have to get off the computer to use the phone.<BRB> BTW interj. “By the way.” (Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)BTW, have you heard about the new communications software upgrade?I am, BTW, very interested in what you said about the high cost of software. DIDO phr. “dreck in, dreck out”; garbage in, garbage out. (Acronym.)Look at this stuff that the printer put out. What is it? Oh, well. DIDO.As a programmer, I specialize in DIDO. FWIW interj. “for what it's worth.” (Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)FWIW, I understand exactly what you are saying.I think you are just too sensitive, FWIW. G interj. grin. (An initialism used in computer communications to show that the writer is grinning or happy. Usually, <G>. Not pronounced.)I guess you are not interested in what I was saying to you. <G>When are you going to learn to spell? <G> GBG interj. a “great big grin.” (An initialism used in computer communications to show that the writer is grinning, joking, or happy. Not pronounced. Often enclosed, <GBG>.)I think you are just talking nonsense. <GBG>You are such a kook! <GBG> GIGO phr. “garbage in, garbage out.” (Acronym. If you get garbage out of a computer, it's because you put garbage in.)The program failed, and I know it's my fault. You know, GIGO.GIGO is my theme song. I get out just what I deserve. gooey and GUI n. a “graphical user interface.” (A type of computer control system that uses an orderly layout on the screen with icons and menus that are controlled by a computer mouse. Gooey is slang; GUI is a technical acronym.)Some of the older programs that lack a gooey require a lot less memory to run.Many new computer users find it much easier to use a gooey than to type in commands. GR&D interj. “Grinning, running, and ducking.” (Describes what one might be doing after having written a mischievous message on an electronic bulletin board. Used in computer communications. Sometimes enclosed, <GR&D>. Not pronounced aloud.)I'm GR&D, but I'm glad I said it. I guess that you got just the kind of answer that you deserve. <GR&D> IAE and IAC interj. “in any event”; “in any case.” (Initialisms. Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)IAE I will give you the answer tomorrow.I will be there IAC. IM(H)O interj. “in my (humble) opinion.” (Initialism. Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)IMHO, you are dead wrong.She is the person to choose, IMO. IOW interj. “in other words.” (Initialism. Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)IOW, you are angry at me.I have heard enough on this point. IOW, shut up. IYHO interj. “in your humble opinion.” (Initialism. Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)Things are in bad shape IYHO, but I think they are great.IYHO, everyone else is wrong! LIFO phr. “last in, first out.” (Acronym. Refers to the order of data put in and returned from the processor.)I can't remember whether the stack is LIFO or FIFO.This one is LIFO. LOL interj. “laughing out loud.” (Indicates that one is laughing in response to a previous remark. Used in computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)I'm LOL about the last remark you made.LOL at your last message. OIC phr. “Oh, I see.” (Initialism.)OIC. That's very interesting.OIC. So that's how it's done. OTOH phr. “on the other hand.” (An initialism. A computer communication abbreviation, not pronounced.)That's one good idea. OTOH, there must be many other satisfactory procedures.OTOH, everyone is a little forgetful now and then. PITA n. “pain in the ass.” (Initialism. A computer abbreviation, not pronounced.)The SYSOP here is a real PITA. I wish he would leave us alone.Who is the PITA who keeps asking the same question over and over? PMJI interj. “Pardon me for jumping in.” (This indicates that someone is responding to a message directed to someone else. Used in electronic mail and computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)PMJI, but I have some information that would help you with your problem.PMJI. As long as we are talking about vacations, does anyone know the price of admission to EPCOT Center in Orlando, Florida? RO(T)F(L) interj. “rolling on the floor laughing.” (Used in electronic mail and computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)I was ROTFL when I read your note. That was too much.Your comment had me ROTF. RSN interj. “real soon now.” (Used in electronic mail and computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)I will post the rest of my trip report RSN.I will be finished RSN. I'll let you know. SCSI and scuzzy n. “small computer system interface.” (Acronym.)Come over and see my new SCSI. It lets me run a hard disc.Why do they call it a scuzzy? Why not just say what it is? WBMTTP interj. “Which brings me to the point.” (Initialism. Used in electronic mail and computer communications. Not pronounced aloud.)Of course, you may not like that approach. WBMTTP. You need someone to help you choose the proper method.I agree with what Tom said. WBMTTP. I think we spend too much time worrying about these matters. WIMP mod. “windows, icons, mouse pointer.” (Acronym. Refers to a computer system, such as Macintosh or Microsoft Windows, with an elaborate user interface including resizable windows, clever icons, and a movable mouse. The term implies that such systems are for “computer weaklings.”)I am happier with a computer system that doesn't have all that WIMP stuff.I want all the WIMP gadgets I can get! WYSIWYG phr. “What you see is what you get.”; What you see on the screen is what will print on the printer. (Acronym.)This program gives you that WYSIWYG feature that everyone wants.I need something that's WYSIWYG. I have no imagination. |
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