

词组 hackles
idiomhacklesraise sb's hackles(also sb's hackles rise)to make someone angry or annoyed by doing or saying something that offends them:Banderas says he doesn't understand why his film raised feminist hackles.My hackles rose at his tone of voice, but I managed to stay calm.'Hackles' are the feathers on the back of a male bird's neck. When he is ready to fight, they stand up.
(redirected from hackles)

get (one's) hackles up

To become or cause to become angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable. John got his hackles up when his parents brought up the subject of college. Election season always gets my dad's hackles up.

make (someone's) hackles rise

To greatly irritate, annoy, or aggravate someone. The disrespect he showed our professor during class made my hackles rise so badly that I had to go take a walk to calm down. The politician has a gift for making his opponents' hackles rise during debates.

raise (one's) hackles

To greatly irritate, annoy, or aggravate one. The disrespect he showed our professor during class raised my hackles so badly that I had to go take a walk to calm down. The politician has a gift for raising his opponents' hackles during debates.

(one's) hackles rise

One becomes greatly irritated, annoyed, or aggravated. The disrespect he showed our professor during class made my hackles rise so badly that I had to go take a walk to calm down. I could see her hackles rising at the suggestion of reducing her hours at work.

get someone's dander up

 and get someone's back up; get someone's hackles up; get someone's Irish up; put someone's back up
Fig. to make someone get angry. (Fixed order.) Now, don't get your dander up. Calm down. I insulted him and really got his hackles up. Bob had his Irish up all day yesterday. I don't know what was wrong. Now, now, don't get your back up. I didn't mean any harm.

raise one's hackles

Make one very angry, as in That really raised my hackles when he pitched straight at the batter's head. Hackles are the hairs on the back of an animal's neck, which stick up when the animal feels fearful or angry. [Late 1800s]

raise someone's hackles

COMMON If something raises your hackles, it makes you angry. The taxes will be designed not to raise voters' hackles too much. Note: You can also say that something raises hackles if it makes people angry. Certainly Smedley's pay packet of $1 million-plus would have raised a few hackles among the medical profession. Note: When something makes you angry or annoyed, you can say that your hackles rise. My hackles rose when I read his letter. Note: `Hackles' are feathers on the necks of cockerels and some other birds. They rise up when the bird becomes aggressive.

make someone's hackles rise

make someone angry or indignant.
Hackles are the long feathers on the neck of a fighting cock or the hairs on the top of a dog's neck, which are raised when the animal is angry or excited.

your, his, etc. ˈhackles rise

become angry: Ben felt his hackles rise as the speaker continued.

make somebody’s ˈhackles rise


raise ˈhackles

make somebody angry: He really makes my hackles rise, that man. He’s so rude to everybody.Her remarks certainly raised hackles.
Hackles are the hairs on the back of a dog’s neck that rise when it is angry or excited.

get (one's) hackles up

To be extremely insulted or irritated.

raise one's hackles, to

To arouse one’s anger. The hackles are the hair on the back of an animal’s neck that sticks straight up with excitement, fear, or other strong emotion. “With the hackles up,” meaning on the point of fighting, was transferred to humans in the late nineteenth century. “I almost saw the hackles of a good old squire rise,” wrote Edward Pennell-Elmhirst (The Cream of Leicestershire, 1883).




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