

词组 stole your heart
释义 (redirected from stole your heart)

steal (one's) heart

To captivate one; to instill in one a deep affection or love. You stole my heart the moment I met you. The young actress has stolen the nation's heart.

steal someone's heart

Fig. to capture someone's affections; to cause someone to fall in love with oneself. When I first met him, I knew he would steal my heart away. And he did.

steal someone's heart

Win someone's love, as in That puppy stole Brian's heart. [Late 1500s]

steal somebody’s ˈheart

(literary) make somebody fall in love with you: As he became more well known, his good looks and charm stole young girls’ hearts all across the country.

steal (someone's) heart

To win one's affection or love.




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