词组 | freaks |
释义 | (redirected from freaks)freak of natureSomething or someone that is unusual, rare, or abnormal in some way; beyond or outside the natural world. The goat they have at the circus sideshow is a real freak of nature, it was born with two heads! He can lift over 500 pounds in the gym, he's like some freak of nature. control freakSomeone who has an obsessive or compulsive need to control every aspect of a situation and/or the ways in which others act. My father can be such a control freak sometimes, always dictating how I should be living my life. Janice is a real control freak—she wouldn't even let me help her vacuum the carpet! fly (one's) freak flagslang To behave in or embrace an unusual, unconventional, or uninhibited manner or mode of being. My parents are rather conservative, so it's liberating to be in college where I can fly the freak flag without worrying about their reprisals. My favorite music tends to come from artists who aren't afraid to fly their freak flags a bit. freak flagAny unconventional, nonconformist, or uninhibited behavior, convictions, opinions, or lifestyle choices that are unique to an individual. My high school literature teacher taught me to always be true to myself and to wear my freak flag proudly. get (one's) freak on1. To have sex. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. I can always hear my neighbors getting their freak on next door—it's so embarrassing! 2. To dance, especially in a wild, crazy, or uninhibited manner. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. Come on everybody, get out on the dance floor and get your freak on! 3. To party, especially in a wild, crazy, or uninhibited manner. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. I can't wait for your house party this weekend—I really need to get my freak on! 4. To act or behave in a wild, crazy, or uninhibited manner. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. Jeff really got his freak on last night after a few too many beers. speed freakA drug user who abuses or is addicted to an amphetamine, especially methamphetamine (also known as "speed"). This state is a thoroughfare for methamphetamine to the rest of the country, so it's little wonder that there are so many speed freaks here. freak out1. verb, slang To suddenly express anger or excitement in a very visible way. Mom will freak out when she finds out we broke her vase! I totally freaked out when I heard we'd won tickets to the concert. 2. verb, slang To startle or frighten someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "freak" and "out." The sight of that huge needle completely freaked me out. 3. verb, slang To experience jarring and frightening side effects (such as hallucinations) due to drug use. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "freak" and "out." I swore off drugs because my last trip freaked me out so bad. 4. noun, slang A bad experience while taking some mind-altering drug. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated or written as one word. I swore off drugs after my last freak-out. 5. noun, slang A wild party. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated or written as one word. Someone in our class always throws a real freak-out at the end of the school year. freak1. verb, slang To suddenly express anger or excitement in a very visible way. Mom will freak when she finds out we broke her vase! I totally freaked when I heard we'd won tickets to the concert. 2. verb, slang To be startled or frightened. I completely freaked at the sight of that huge needle. 3. noun, slang A person or thing considered highly irregular, unconventional, or bizarre. Can be derogatory when used to describe a person. In this city, you can be a freak and not worry about people staring at you all the time. Look at that freak! Have you ever seen a bug like that? Dude, you need to stop hanging out with the freaks. What a bunch of weirdos. 4. noun, slang A person who is very sexually uninhibited. I've heard she's a real freak in bed. 5. An interjection used as a more mild version of "fuck." Freak! Where did I put my keys? pill freakslang Someone who frequently or habitually uses or abuses drugs prepared as pills or capsules. She started getting hooked on the pain pills her doctor prescribed, and before long she had become a full-blown pill freak. I knew a couple of pill freaks in college who were always doing speed or ecstasy. pillheadslang Someone who frequently or habitually uses or abuses drugs prepared as pills or capsules. She started getting hooked on the pain pills her doctor prescribed, and before long she had become a full-blown pillhead. I knew a couple of pillheads in college who were always doing speed or ecstasy. eagle freakA derogatory term for an ardent environmentalist. Is anyone surprised that those eagle freaks in my neighborhood have taken up composting? eco-freakA derogatory term for someone who is passionate about environmental issues. Is anyone surprised that those eco-freaks in my neighborhood have taken up composting? fuck freakvulgar slang Someone who very much enjoys sex and/or engages in it frequently. The term is usually intended to be derogatory or have a negative connotation. Call me a "fuck freak," I don't care—sex is great, and everyone should do it more. garbage freakslang A drug addict willing to take any drug. Of course she took those drugs—she's a garbage freak, she'll take anything! freak out(at someone or something) Go to freak out (over someone or something). freak out(on something) to lose control of one's mind because of something, usually a drug. She freaked out on the stuff she was smoking. She took some funny little pills and freaked out immediately. freak out (over someone or something)and freak out (at someone or something)to become very angry or lose control of one's mind because of someone or something that has happened. I absolutely freaked out over the whole business! Don't freak out at me! freak someone outto shock or disorient someone. The whole business freaked me out. I didn't mean to freak out everybody with the bad news. freaked (out)1. shocked; disoriented. (Sometimes used of the effects of drugs or alcohol.) I was too freaked out to reply. Man, was I freaked. 2. tired out; exhausted. I'm too freaked out to go on without some rest. The chick is really freaked. Let her rest. freak out1. Experience or cause to experience hallucinations, paranoia, or other frightening feelings as a result of taking a mind-altering drug. For example, They were freaking out on LSD or some other drug. [Slang; mid-1960s] 2. Behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably, with enthusiasm, excitement, fear, or madness. For example, The band's wild playing made the audience freak out, or It was such a close accident, it really freaked me out, or She freaked out and ended up in the psychiatric ward. [Slang; 1960s] Also see flip one's lid; wig out. freak outv. Slang 1. To lose control of one's emotions: I freaked out when I saw my low test score. 2. To cause someone to lose control of his or her emotions: The dentist really freaked me out with that needle. The rock band freaked out the crowd when they started letting audience members onstage. eagle freak n. someone with strong concerns about the environment and conservation, especially the preservation of the eagle. (A play on eco freak.) The eagle freaks oppose building the dam. eco freakand eco nut (ˈiko frik and ˈiko nət) n. someone with strong concerns about the environment and conservation. (Mildly derogatory. From ecology.) They call me an eco freak, which is okay by me. The eco freaks are protesting the tree trimming. freak mommy n. a good-looking female. Sally is such a freak mommy. My eyes just water! freak (out)1. in. to panic; to lose control. I was so frightened, I thought I would freak. 2. n. a bad drug experience; a psychotic reaction to the drug LSD. (Drugs. Usually freak-out or freakout.) Some of them get turned off to drugs by a really good freakout. 3. n. a wild party of any type; any exciting happening. (Usually freak-out or freakout.) There is a big freak-out at Freddy’s joint tonight. 4. n. a freaked (out) person. (Usually freak-out or freakout.) Some poor freak-out sat in the corner and rocked. freakverbSee freak out freak someone out tv. to shock or disorient someone. The whole business freaked me out. freaked (out)1. mod. shocked; disoriented. (Perhaps from drugs or alcohol.) I was too freaked out to reply. 2. mod. tired out; exhausted. I’m too freaked out to go on without some rest. freakedverbSee freaked out fuck-freak n. someone who is obsessed with copulation. (Taboo. Usually objectionable.) She is a hot little fuck-freak, and she’ll wear out any dude that takes her on. garbage freakand garbagehead n. an addict who will take any drug. (Drugs.) They’re only teenagers and already they’re garbageheads. The garbageheads will take beans or anything else. juice freak n. someone who prefers alcohol to drugs. (Drugs.) Freddy is a juice freak. He won’t touch dolls. kick freak n. a nonaddicted drug user. (Drugs.) Ernie used to be a kick freak, but all that has changed. pillheadand pill freak n. a drug user who prefers drugs in pill or capsule form. (Drugs.) The police turned the juvenile “pillheads” over to their parents. You pill freaks should try some of this stuff. pill freakverbSee pillhead speed freakand speedhead n. a drug user who injects methamphetamine; an amphetamine user. (Drugs and general slang.) Speed freaks, not heroin addicts, account for a high proportion of drug-related crime. freak out, toTo be or cause to be out of control, in a state of fear, anger, or excitement, to lose one’s nerve. The term dates from the mid-1900s and became popular through the hippie movement of the 1960s. A 1966 rock album by the Mothers of Invention was entitled “Freak Out.” |
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