

词组 brained her
释义 (redirected from brained her)

brain (someone)

To strike or assault someone violently and severely, typically on the head. He warned me that he was going to brain me if I didn't stop insulting him. The lump on my head is from when a box fell off a shelf and brained me yesterday.

brain someone

Fig. to strike a person hard on the skull as if to knock out the person's brains. (Often said as a vain threat.) I thought he was going to brain me, but he only hit me on the shoulder. If you don't do it, I'll brain you.

brain someone

Hit someone hard on the head. For example, The roof collapsed and a bunk of plaster brained him, or I'll brain you if you don't get to those dishes! This term is used both literally (first example) and hyperbolically (second example). [Slang; 1930s]


1. n. a good student; a very intelligent person. (see also brains.) I’m no brain, but I get good grades.
2. tv. to hit someone (in the head). I ought to brain you for that!




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