

词组 grind away
Phr V
grind away
grinds, grinding, ground
grind away
slightly informal to work hard for long periods, especially doing things that are boring
Many authors grind away for years to produce books that scarcely sell a copy.
phrasegrind away
grind away usually progressive informal to work very hard for a long period of time, especially when the work is boring or you do not seem to be making much progress: I've been grinding away for eight hours now, and I'm getting nowhere. SIMILAR TO: slave away, boil away, slog away BrE informal

grind away

1. To remove by grinding or pulverizing. You need to grind away these imperfections.
2. To frequently nag or disparage someone. Will you quit grinding away? I'm doing the best I can!
3. To work hard on something; to dedicate oneself to some effort or task. I've been grinding away all morning, but I still can't figure out where that discrepancy came from.

grind something away

to remove something by grinding. Grind the bumps away and make the wall smooth. Please grind away the bumps.

grind away (at something)

to crush something into particles continually. The machine ground away at the rocks, making tons of gravel. It ground away, making a terrible noise in the process.

grind away

(at someone) Fig. to needle, criticize, and nag someone continually. Why are you always grinding away at me? Leave me alone. Stop grinding away!

grind away

1. To remove something by grinding: You need to grind the spurs away with a file. The optician ground away the glass from the lens.
2. To devote oneself to study or work: She ground away at the problem. We told him to get some sleep before the exam, but he kept grinding away.




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