

词组 quickness
noun with a quicknessas soon as possible US, 1997
(redirected from quickness)
  • (as) clear as anything
  • (as) easy as anything
  • (as) quick as a bunny
  • (as) quick as a flash
  • (as) quick as a wink
  • (as) quick as anything
  • (as) quick as lightning
  • a quick drop and a sudden stop
  • a quick fix
  • a quick one
  • be (a little) slow on the uptake
  • be fast/quick on the draw
  • be quick off the mark
  • be quick on the draw
  • be quick on the uptake
  • be quick/slow off the mark
  • be quick/slow on the uptake
  • beat a (hasty/quick) retreat, to
  • cut (one) to the quick
  • cut somebody to the quick
  • cut someone to the quick
  • cut to the quick
  • double quick
  • easy, clear, quick, etc. as anything
  • get-rich-quick
  • have a quick temper
  • lightning quick
  • make a fast buck
  • make a fast/quick buck
  • make a quick buck
  • make quick work of (someone or something)
  • on the uptake
  • quick and dirty
  • quick and the dead
  • quick and the dead, the
  • quick as a flash
  • quick as a wink
  • quick as a wink/bunny
  • quick buck
  • quick fix
  • quick fix, there's no
  • quick like a bunny
  • quick march
  • quick off the mark
  • quick on the draw
  • quick on the draw/trigger
  • quick on the trigger
  • quick on the uptake
  • quick one
  • quick one, a
  • quick study
  • quick temper
  • quick-and-dirty
  • quick-fire
  • sting (one) to the quick
  • stung to the quick
  • the green apple quickstep
  • the quick and the dead
  • to the quick
  • too (something) by half
  • too clever, quick, etc. by half




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