

词组 queue
noun put on a queue(of a woman) to have sex with a line of partners, one after the other AUSTRALIA, 1970
phrasequeue[queued, queued, queuing also queueing]
queue up 1. queue up BrE to form or join a line of people waiting to do something or go somewhere: On the coldest night I've ever known, the four of us queued up outside our local cinema to see 'Crocodile Dundee'.+ for More than 1,000 people queued up for interviews after the Grand Hotel in Scarborough advertised 100 new jobs this week. ► compare line up2. be queuing up to do sth BrE if people are queuing up to do something, they all want to do it very much: The school is one of the best in the area, and parents are queuing up to send their children there. Japanese theatre director Ninagawa has a reputation for being very tough, but actors are queuing up to work with him. SIMILAR TO: line up

jump the queue

To go ahead of someone or multiple people who have been waiting before one. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. I wanted to shout at the man for jumping the queue, but I was too embarrassed about making a scene. There has been public outrage after it came to light that some people had been jumping the queue for surgery appointments because they had a friend or relative working at the hospital.

queue up (for something)

To get into a line to wait (for something). Sometimes also modified by "for (some amount of time)" immediately after "queue up." Primarily heard in UK. I hate having to queue up so early just to get tickets. The new restaurant has already become a huge success, with people queuing up for hours for a seat each night. We queued up for a chance to meet the author.

queue up (for something)

to line up for something. (*Typically British.) We had to queue up for tickets to the play. You must queue up here to get in.

jump the queue

1 push into a queue of people in order to be served or dealt with before your turn. 2 take unfair precedence over others.
The US version of this expression is jump in line .

jump the ˈqueue

(British English) (American English jump the ˈline, cut in ˈline) go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn: I get very angry with people who jump the queue. ▶ ˈqueue-jumping (British English) (American English ˈline-jumping less frequent) noun: This practice encourages queue-jumping for medical services.

queue up

1. To form an ordered sequence or line; line up: The patrons queued up outside the theater. The customers queued up at the ticket booth.
2. To order some set of things to deal with them in sequence; line up something: Queue up the children, and I'll serve them lunch. We'll queue the applicants up and interview them one at a time.




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