

词组 settle a score with us
释义 (redirected from settle a score with us)

settle a score (with someone)

To get vengeance (on someone) for a past wrong or grievance; to punish someone for causing one harm or misfortune in the past. The former champion entered the competition looking to settle a score with the young player who dethroned him in the previous tournament. After five years in hiding from the law, Hofstadter decided it was time to return to town and settle a score.

settle a score with someone

 and settle the score (with someone)
Fig. to clear up a problem with someone; to get even with someone. John wants to settle a score with his neighbor. Tom, it's time you and I settled the score.

settle a score

Also, settle or wipe out an old score or scores . Get even, avenge a grievance or an injury. For example, Wendy settled an old score with Bill when she made him wait for half an hour in the rain . These expressions, dating from the mid-1800s to early 1900s, all use score in the sense of "an account" or "bill." Also see pay off, def. 3.

settle a score


settle an old score

COMMON If someone settles a score or settles an old score, they take revenge for something that someone has done to them in the past. Phillips insists he's not interested in settling a score against the team that fired him a couple of months ago. Waters had only been out of jail three weeks when he and two friends went to settle an old score with a man he had met in prison. Note: You can talk about people or groups being involved in score-settling or the settling of scores. What is happening now is score-settling and there is little hope of an end to it. What we are witnessing here is the settling of scores.

settle (or pay) a (or the) score

take revenge on someone for something damaging that they have done in the past.

settle a ˈscore/an acˈcount (with somebody)


settle an old ˈscore

hurt or punish somebody who has harmed or cheated you in the past; get revenge: I’ve got a score to settle with him after the terrible things he said about my girlfriend.Before he left the school, he wanted to settle an old score with one of his classmates. OPPOSITE: call it quits




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