

词组 lay beyond
释义 (redirected from lay beyond)

lie beyond

1. To be positioned or located just past some point. The place you're looking for lies beyond those hills. It will be a two-day hike to get there. He was determined to discover what lay beyond the forests to the east.
2. To be outside the scope of someone's power, understanding, ability, etc. I studied the puzzle for nearly an hour, but the answer simply lay beyond me. The power to indict someone of a crime lies beyond this committee—all we can do is offer our recommendations for the authorities.

lie beyond someone or something

1. to be located on the other side of someone or something. The stream lies beyond those men you see working in the field. The village lies just beyond that hill there.
2. to be outside the grasp or the ability of someone or a group. I am afraid that this matter lies beyond Dave. The solution lies beyond the power of the committee.




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