

词组 blossoms forth
释义 (redirected from blossoms forth)

blossom forth

1. Of a plant, to bloom. I can't wait for the flowers I planted to blossom forth and fill our yard with color!
2. Of a person or thing, to quickly grow and mature. It feels like my kids blossomed forth into adulthood in no time at all. I had a much easier time writing my second novel—the idea for its plot just blossomed forth overnight.

blossom forth

1. Lit. [for a plant] to burst into flower. All the trees blossomed forth at the same time. Each spring my tulips blossom forth in all their glory.
2. Fig. [for someone or a concept] to develop or grow quickly. A wonderful idea blossomed forth and caught on quickly. That summer she suddenly blossomed forth into a young woman.




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