n. a 10-mg tablet of Valium™.A blue is enough to put most people into a stupor. Why do you want two?In treatment they kept giving me blues to calm me down. Now I can't live without them.
happy pills
n. tranquilizers.She asked the doctor for some happy pills.She is now hooked on happy pills.
n. a capsule of Quaalude™, a tranquilizer.A couple of ludes put Max in a better mood.I don't know what he gave me. Mary said it was a lude or something.
mickey and micky
n. a tranquilizer.Whatever that mickey was you gave me, it helped.Maybe a little mickey would help me relax.
n. Valium™ tranquilizers.I'm taking vals for this, but the doctor says to get off of them as soon as possible.Vals really calm you down.