

词组 much
adverb used for ironic emphasis US, 1988. not much of aof limited quality, quantity or degree UK, 1889. not up to muchinferior UK, 1864
idiommuchbe much of a muchnessused in order to say that you do not think there is much difference between several things, especially if you do not think any of them are very good:The songs on "Chicago Blues" are all much of a muchness, although a few moments stand out.We did better next season, but our games were much of a muchness, with no high scores.there's not much in it BrEBrEalso there's not a lot in itused in order to say that two things are very similar, or that two people or teams that are competing are equally good:"Surely the Dean and the Canon look totally different ?" "No, there's not much in it - they have similar hairstyles and are roughly the same height."He's got eighteen points and you've got twenty - there's not a lot in it.

leave a lot to be desired

To be very inadequate or unsatisfactory; to lack a large amount of what is desired or required. The film has a very interesting premise and a story that has quite a bit of potential, but the final product leaves a lot to be desired. I wasn't expecting a huge amount from a budget hostel, but this place leaves a lot to be desired nonetheless.


/still less
Certainly not: I'm not blaming anyone, much less you.
  • (one) is (just) too much
  • a (damn) sight too (something)
  • a bit much
  • a bit too much
  • a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
  • a sight too good, too much, etc.
  • able to take just so much
  • able to take only so much
  • amount to much
  • as much
  • as much as
  • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
  • as much as (one's) life is worth
  • as much as anything (else)
  • as much as somebody can/could do to do something
  • as much as the traffic will bear
  • as much chance as a wax cat in hell
  • as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
  • as soon as possible
  • be a bit much
  • be much of a muchness
  • be not much between the ears
  • be not much cop
  • be not much of a (something)
  • be not much to look at
  • be not so much (something) as (something else)
  • be not so much something as something
  • be not up to much
  • be nothing (much) to write home about
  • be nothing, not much, etc. to write home about
  • be so much/many (something)
  • be so much/many something
  • be too much
  • be too much (for one)
  • bit much
  • carry (an amount of) weight
  • come to much
  • don't see you much around here anymore
  • even/much/still less
  • get (some kind of) mileage out of (something)
  • give (one) trouble
  • half again as many
  • half again as much
  • have a lot on one's plate
  • have time on (one's) hands
  • have too much of a good thing
  • have too much on (one's) plate
  • have too much on plate
  • hold out hope
  • How much do you want to bet?
  • however much
  • I don't fancy yours (much)
  • I thought as much
  • in evidence
  • in the way of (someone or something)
  • inasmuch as
  • insomuch as
  • it, etc. says a lot, much, etc. about/for somebody/something
  • it's hardly saying much
  • it's not saying much
  • it's/that's not saying much, etc.
  • I've heard so much about you
  • know as much about as a hog knows about Sunday
  • know too much
  • leave a lot to be desired
  • leave a lot, much, etc. to be desired
  • leave much to be desired
  • make (a) great play of (something)
  • make great, much, etc. play of/with something
  • make much of
  • make much of (someone or something)
  • make much of somebody/something
  • make much play of (something)
  • make much play with (something)
  • miss much
  • more fun than a barrel of monkeys
  • much
  • much ado about nothing
  • much as
  • much as/though
  • much in evidence
  • much ink has been spilled
  • much less
  • Much obliged
  • much of a muchness
  • much sought after
  • need (something) (about) as much a fish needs a bicycle
  • need (something) (about) as much as (one) needs a hole in the head
  • not be much of a something
  • not be much to look at
  • not do a lot for (someone)
  • not do anything for (someone)
  • not do anything/a lot/much for somebody
  • not do much for (someone)
  • not have much between the ears
  • not miss a trick
  • not miss much
  • Not much
  • not much chop
  • not much cop
  • not much for looks
  • not much going on upstairs
  • not much in it
  • not much to boast about
  • not much to choose from
  • not much to look at
  • not much to speak of
  • not much upstairs
  • not so much
  • not so much as (do something)
  • not think much of
  • not think much of (someone or something)
  • not up to much
  • Nothing much
  • nothing to write home about
  • pretty much
  • pretty much/well
  • protest too much
  • put too much on (something)
  • put too much on it
  • say (something) for (someone or something)
  • say a great deal about (someone or something)
  • say a lot about (something)
  • set much by (someone or something)
  • so much
  • so much for
  • so much for (someone or something)
  • so much for sb/sth
  • so much for that
  • so much so
  • so much so that
  • so much the
  • so much the better
  • so much the better/worse
  • so much the worse
  • so much the worse (for someone or something)
  • so much the worse for
  • so much/many
  • sought after
  • take it
  • take on too much
  • take too much on
  • thank you so much
  • Thank you very much
  • thanks so much
  • thanks very much
  • that's (just) too much
  • that's hardly saying much
  • that's not saying much
  • That's too much!
  • there's a lot/much to be said for (something)
  • there's not much to choose between (two people or things)
  • there's nothing to choose between (two people or things)
  • there's nothing, not much, etc. to choose between A and B
  • think a lot of
  • think much of (someone or something)
  • this much
  • too much
  • too much information
  • too much like hard work
  • too much of a good thing
  • very much so
  • without much ado
  • without so much as
  • without so much as (doing) (something)
  • without so much as a by-your-leave
  • without so much as doing
  • without so much as something/as doing something
  • you can have too much of a good thing
  • You're too much!




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