释义 | aced mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody be so aced on three beers?I've never seen anybody that aced in my life. activated mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.All four of them went out and got a little activated.Will this stuff get me seriously activated? alkied (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.That old bum looks completely alkied up.She spends a lot of time alkied. annihilated mod. very drunk; intoxicated with a drug.The boys came in annihilated and their father had plenty to say to them.Pete and Gary went out and got annihilated. antifreezed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, I feel totally antifreezed.He appears to be frozen even though he's antifreezed. aped mod. alcohol intoxicated.I've never seen my brother so totally aped before.He comes home aped about once a month. bagged and in the bag mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody be so bagged on four beers?She just sat there and got bagged. balmed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tom was totally balmed and went to bed.Fred and Wilma went out and got totally balmed. balmy mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's not just drunk, she's a little balmy.How can anybody be so balmy on four beers? bamboozled mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)She's not just drunk, she's totally bamboozled.She just sat there and got bamboozled as the dickens. banjaxed mod. alcohol intoxicated.She just sat there and got banjaxed.All four of them went out and got banjaxed. barreled (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Those guys are really barreled up!She spends a lot of time barreled. bashed mod. alcohol intoxicated.All four of them went out and got bashed.I've never seen anybody so bashed. basted mod. alcohol intoxicated.I got totally basted.I got so basted I vowed never to touch another drop. bats and batty mod. alcohol intoxicated; confused and drunk.The guy was bats—stewed to his ears.She was sort of batty from the wine. batted mod. alcohol intoxicated.She spends a lot of time batted.Will this stuff get me batted? battered mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, was I battered. I will never drink another drop.Those guys really got battered at the party. belly up mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sylvia was boiled—belly up—glassy-eyed.After four beers, I was belly up, for sure. bewottled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sam was so bewottled that he could hardly walk.Garth and Wayne were severely bewottled. binged mod. alcohol intoxicated.She sat there, binged out of her mind.I'm gonna go out and get myself binged, but good. blah mod. alcohol intoxicated; very drunk.I got myself blah in about twenty minutes.We are going to get totally blah tonight. blimped mod. alcohol intoxicated; swollen with drinking.I am still a little blimped from our party last night.I'm bigheaded and still blimped this morning. blind drunk mod. heavily alcohol intoxicated.You came in blind drunk last night. What's going on?They drank till they were blind drunk. blooey mod. alcohol intoxicated.Bruno is totally blooey. He can't even open his eyes.Man, I'm blooey. I'm stoned to the bones. blotto mod. alcohol intoxicated; dead drunk.Let's get some smash and get blotto.She just lay there—blotto. blown (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.I guess I'm a little too blown up to drive.You are blown as blazes, you twit! blue mod. alcohol intoxicated.What have you been drinking? You're getting a little blue.You might say I'm blue. Others might note that I am stoned. blue around the gills and green around the gills mod. alcohol intoxicated.In the middle of the drink, I knew I was getting blue around the gills.Marty—now thoroughly green around the gills—slid neatly under the table, and everyone pretended not to notice. boiled mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can you get so boiled on wine?The two were boiled and not much use to us. bonkers and crackers mod. slightly intoxicated.I'm just a little bonkers, nothing really serious.She's too bonkers to drive. boozed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wow, is he ever boozed!I think I am a little boozed. boozy-woozy mod. alcohol intoxicated.The boozy-woozy man clung to the railing and sang at the top of his voice.I think I am just an itty-bitty boozy-woozy. both sheets in the wind mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's both sheets in the wind at the moment.She's not just both sheets in the wind—they're all in the wind. brewed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred is brewed every evening by 9:00. I think he has a problem.He tries to get brewed as soon as he can after work. bruised mod. alcohol intoxicated.I am bruised. My head hurts, and my gut feels yucky.How can anybody get so bruised on so little booze? burn with a low blue flame in. to be heavily alcohol intoxicated.Yeah, he's burning with a low blue flame.He's not just drunk, he's burning with a low blue flame. busted mod. alcohol intoxicated.I went to a beer bust and got busted.Jim is busted again—really boiled. buzzing mod. drunk.Sally was buzzing after only a few drinks.She was really buzzing and Molly had to take her home. canned mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'll drive. I'm too canned to walk.Man, am I canned! carrying a (heavy) load mod. alcohol intoxicated.Marty is carrying a heavy load.Your father's carrying a load again. What are we going to do? chipper mod. alcohol intoxicated.Larry here is chipper already!A glass of wine will make her chipper almost immediately. chucked mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm too chucked to drive.How did you get so chucked? clear mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, is she ever clear!He was clear, you know, polluted. clobbered mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's the kind of guy who goes home and gets clobbered after work.The whole fraternity celebrated by getting themselves clobbered. comboozelated mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)I believe I am just a little comboozelated.How did you get so comboozelated? commode-hugging drunk mod. heavily alcohol intoxicated; drunk and vomiting.Bruno got commode-hugging drunk in the space of two hours.I could tell by the sounds coming from the bathroom that Ernie had come home commode- hugging drunk again. corked (up) and corky mod. alcohol intoxicated.You seem to be a little corked.You'd be corked up, too, if you'd drunk as much as I have. corkscrewed (up) mod. courageous because of alcohol; with one's courage screwed by alcohol.After getting himself corkscrewed up, he went into the boss's office for a word.He used a bit of vodka to get corkscrewed enough to demand a raise. corned mod. alcohol intoxicated.The old-timer is corned on moonshine.Let's go out and get corned. country drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated; drunk and disorganized. (Folksy.)Them good old boys know how to get country drunk.The cowboy, really country drunk this time, got to town somehow and started a fight. crash in. to pass out from drinking alcohol to excess.About midnight I crashed, and I woke up here.Let's get Wilbur home before he crashes for good. crashed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred is crashed. Leave him alone.There were two crashed freshmen asleep on the lawn. creamed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, Tony is totally creamed!I got myself creamed last night, didn't I? crocked mod. alcohol intoxicated.What do you get out of getting crocked every night?Oh, my God! You're crocked again! cross-eyed (drunk) mod. alcohol intoxicated.What's the point of getting cross-eyed drunk?He sat on the bar stool, cross-eyed and crying. crumped (out) mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was too crumped out to drive herself home.Are you crumped out again? crying drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated and weeping.She was crying drunk and feeling sorry for herself.I really hate it when they come in here crying drunk. cut mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's too cut to drive.He got cut on beer, which is unusual for him. dead drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated; totally inebriated.They were both dead drunk. They could only lie there and snore.Marty is dead drunk again. dead to the world mod. alcohol intoxicated.Six beers and he was dead to the world.By midnight almost everybody was dead to the world. dinged out mod. alcohol intoxicated.Gary is dinged out and can't drive.He got dinged out on a couple of quarts of foam. dipsy mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.I think that Jed is permanently dipsy.The cop pulled the dipsy dame over and arrested her.He was too dipsy to drive. discombobulated and discomboobulated mod. alcohol intoxicated.From the way she is walking, I'd say she is discombobulated.You'd be discomboobulated, too, if you'd drunk as much as she has. down mod. alcohol intoxicated.Five beers and he was down.They were all down by midnight. drunk back mod. alcohol intoxicated; very drunk.The whole bunch was drunk back by midnight.Larry was drunk back and couldn't drive us home. electrified mod. alcohol intoxicated.Her eyes were staring straight ahead, and I knew she was electrified.By midnight we were all electrified. elevated mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.Jerry was too elevated to drive home.Sam was elevated from the drinking he did. eliminated mod. alcohol intoxicated.By midnight, Wally was eliminated.How can anybody get eliminated on four beers? embalmed mod. alcohol intoxicated.By morning they were all embalmed.Bob was too embalmed to stand up. faced mod. alcohol intoxicated.Lord, is he faced!Who is that guy on the corner who looks so faced? falling-down drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated; very drunk.Poor Fred is falling-down drunk and has no way to get home.She's not just tipsy; she's fallingdown drunk. far gone mod. alcohol intoxicated.Larry's far gone and looking sick.Wow, is she ever far gone! feeling no pain mod. numbed by alcohol and feeling nothing; alcohol intoxicated.She fell off the wagon and is feeling no pain.He drank the whole thing, and he's feeling no pain. feshnushkied mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wow, is that guy ever feshnushkied!Gert is too feshnushkied to drive home. flabbergasted mod. alcohol intoxicated.I thought you were cutting down, and here you are totally flabbergasted again.After about six beers, Harry became flabbergasted and slid under the table. flaked out mod. alcohol intoxicated.You are too flaked out to drive home. Give me your keys.Man, is she flaked out! flaky and flako mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, is she flako!Paul was flaky and couldn't drive. flooey mod. alcohol intoxicated.You're flooey again. That's every night this week.Wow, is she flooey! floored mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's totally floored. Can't see a hole in a ladder.You'd be floored, too, if you'd drunk a dozen beers. fold in. to collapse from drinking.Dave had just one more drink, and then he folded.She folded neatly and slid beneath the table. folded mod. alcohol intoxicated.Pete is folded. That's the third time this week.Man, is he folded! foozlified mod. alcohol intoxicated.Why do you always come home foozlified?Fred is foozlified and can't see his hand in front of him. four sheets in the wind and four sheets (to the wind) mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's not just tipsy. She's four sheets!After only three beers, Gary was four sheets to the wind. fractured mod. alcohol intoxicated.This is the third night this week that Pete has rolled in fractured.He was so fractured he couldn't see. funky-drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated; stinking drunk.The guy is funkydrunk, and I think he's going to be sick.Wow, is she ever funky-drunk! fuzzed and fuzzled; fuzzy mod. alcohol intoxicated.You are too fuzzed all the time to hold the job. Pack!Why do you come home every night fuzzled? giffed mod. alcohol intoxicated. (From TGIF “Thank God it's Friday.” Said of people who celebrate the end of the workweek with liquor.)He left the tavern pretty giffed.She was pretty giffed for just a few beers. glad mod. alcohol intoxicated.After a few beers she was a mite glad.In fact, she was too glad to stand up. glazed (drunk) and glazed (over) mod. alcohol intoxicated.She has had too much. She's glazed drunk.Fred looks a little glazed. I think he's done for. glued mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred is glued and can't stand up.About three more beers and I'll be glued. goggle-eyed and googly-eyed mod. alcohol intoxicated and staring.Wally was goggle-eyed and couldn't stand up.He's too googly-eyed to drive home. goofy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wow, is she goofy!They went out and got themselves good and goofy. gooned mod. drunk.Wayne came home gooned, and his dad went loco and grounded him.His date was gooned by ten, and he had to take her home. grape shot mod. alcohol intoxicated; drunk on wine.After the reception, Hank found himself a little grape shot.Man, is that guy ever grape shot! How can he hold enough to get that way? greased mod. alcohol intoxicated.He went out and got himself greased, even though he knew it would probably kill him.She is way too greased to drive. groggy and groggified mod. alcohol intoxicated.John was a little groggy— from the grog, of course.He was too groggified to drive. guzzled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sam was plenty guzzled when he got home.Todd was too guzzled to drive home. half-baked mod. alcohol intoxicated.We're getting half-baked, come hell or high water.Fred got himself sort of half-baked every Saturday night. half-blind mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred got himself half-blind in no time at all.Get that half-blind jerk out of here!Four cans of beer and she was halfblind. half-canned mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.He's half-canned and will be no help at all.Old Don is half-canned and can't drive home. half-cocked mod. alcohol intoxicated.He just sat there, half-cocked and singing.Old Jed got himself half-cocked at the reception. half-crocked mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sam and John set out to get halfcrocked.They came home half-crocked at midnight. half in the bag mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jerry was half in the bag when we found him.They were all half in the bag by midnight. half-lit mod. alcohol intoxicated.John was half-lit in no time at all.Harry was half-lit by noon. half-sprung mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.Ted was half-sprung and could hardly stand up.They were half-sprung by noon. half-stewed mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.Poor Fred was half-stewed and still had to give a speech.We were halfstewed and had a lot of drinking yet to do. half under mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.He was half under and could barely stand up.Only four beers and she was half under. half up the pole mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.She drank till she was half up the pole.Don was half up the pole when we picked him up to come here. hammered mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, old Fred was really hammered.She got so hammered she couldn't see. happy mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.She seems a little happy. Must have had a few already.She's not happy. She's stewed. hard up mod. alcohol intoxicated.After a couple of six packs, Wally found himself a little hard up.The whole gang was hard up by midnight. have a buzz on tr. to be tipsy or alcohol intoxicated. (Have got can replace have.)Pete has a buzz on and is giggling a lot.Both of them had a buzz on by the end of the celebration. have a glow on tr. to be alcohol intoxicated; to be tipsy. (Have got can replace have.)Since you already have a glow on, I guess you won't want another drink.Jed had a glow on and was just becoming civil. have a load on tr. to be alcohol intoxicated. (Have got can replace have.)Fred has a load on and is finished for the evening.You have a load on every time I see you. have an edge on tr. to be alcohol intoxicated.I've got an edge on and shouldn't drive home.Bob has an edge on even though he hardly drank anything. have a skinful tr. [for someone] to contain too much alcohol; to be alcohol intoxicated.Pete had a skinful and just sat there quietly.What is wrong with her is that she has a skinful, that's what. have one's brain on a leash in. to be drunk.Wayne had his brain on a leash before he even got to the party.Some guy who had his brain on a leash ran his car off the road. heeled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sally was too heeled to drive home.Man, were those guys heeled! hepped (up) n. mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wally is a little too hepped up to drive home.Harry's too hepped to stand up. hiddy and hidi mod. hideously drunk; very drunk.Fred was totally hidi. He fell asleep under the table.Susan was not just drunk, she was hiddy—you know, bombed. hit under the wing mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jed got hit under the wing.Sally was a little hit under the wing, but she wasn't bad off at all. honked and honkers mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wally was too honked to stand up.Man, is that guy honkers! hooched (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sally is too hooched to drive.She got herself hooched up and couldn't give her talk. hooted mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jed got himself good and hooted.Ted is too hooted to drive. horizontal mod. alcohol intoxicated.The boss was horizontal at the Christmas party.Stewed? No, he's totally horizontal! hot mod. alcohol intoxicated.You could see that Wally was pretty hot from all the whisky.He was too hot to stand up. howling (drunk) mod. alcohol intoxicated; loudly drunk.Wally got howling drunk and ran in the streets with his coat off.He was just howling! illuminated mod. alcohol intoxicated.Paul is a bit illuminated.He's too illuminated to drive home. impaired mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Borrowed from the euphemistic impaired physician.)Don is a bit impaired because he drinks like a fish.He was so impaired he couldn't see his hand in front of his face.The impaired driver was arrested. in a heap mod. alcohol intoxicated.Poor Jed's in a heap again.The guys were all in a heap after the blast. in bad shape and in a bad way mod. alcohol intoxicated.Two glasses of that stuff and I'm in really bad shape.Fred is in bad shape. I think he's going to toss his cookies. in rare form mod. alcohol intoxicated.Gert is in rare form, but she'll have time to sleep it off.When Harry was finally in rare form, he slid beneath the table. inside out mod. drunk.Wayne spends every weekend inside out.Beavis looked forward to the day he could go out and get inside out. in the bag mod. alcohol intoxicated.Kelly looks like he is in the bag.John is in the bag and mean as hell. in the grip of the grape mod. drunk on wine; drunk.Wayne was in the grip of the grape and couldn't talk straight.Sue was in the grip of the grape after only three glasses of wine. in the gun mod. alcohol intoxicated.Ted is in the gun again.When Fred is in the gun, he's mean. in the pink mod. alcohol intoxicated.Pete is in the pink and singing at the top of his lungs.When he's in the pink, he's a handful. in the suds mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred is in the suds and can't see.When Bob is in the suds, he's mean. jagged mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, is that chick jagged!Let's go out and get jagged. jambled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jerry was too jambled to stand up.Let's go out and get good and jambled. jammed mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm a little jammed, but I think I can still drive.They were jammed by midnight. jiggered mod. alcohol intoxicated.Todd was more than just a little jiggered.Bill was too jiggered to stand up. jingle n. a buzz or tingle from alcohol.He had a little jingle, but he wasn't even tipsy.This stuff gives me a little jingle, but that's all. jingled mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was a little jingled, but not worse than that.Let's go out and get good and jingled. jolly mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.Everybody was jolly and singing by the time the food arrived.Kelly was a little too jolly, and her sister told her to slow down. jugged (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm not jugged up. I'm not even tipsy.Fred was too jugged to drive home. juicy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Mary is just a little bit juicy, I'm afraid.She's so juicy she can't stand up! jungled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Pete is a little jungled.He was jungled before he came here. Kentucky fried mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Based on the trade name “Kentucky Fried Chicken.”)Man, is that guy really Kentucky fried!I've never seen anybody so downright Kentucky fried on six beers. kited mod. alcohol intoxicated. (From high as a kite.)Tracy was too kited to see her hand in front of her.Both guys were kited by midnight. knocked up mod. alcohol intoxicated.Bill was knocked up and didn't want to drive.Wow, was that guy knocked up! laid to the bone mod. alcohol intoxicated.He got himself laid to the bone.We were all laid to the bone by midnight. lathered mod. alcohol intoxicated.The two brothers sat there and got lathered.She is too lathered to drive. light mod. alcohol intoxicated.I began to feel a little light along about the fourth beer.I feel a little light. You'd better drive. liquefied mod. alcohol intoxicated.Ten beers and I am absolutely liquefied!She is too liquefied to walk, let alone drive. lit and lit up mod. drunk.She was always lit by bedtime.Todd was lit up like a Christmas tree at our office party. loaded for bear mod. alcohol intoxicated.He is loaded for bear and anything else.He's been drinking mule since dawn, and he's loaded for bear. loaded to the gills and loaded to the barrel mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's loaded to the gills. Couldn't see a hole in a ladder.Man, he's loaded to the barrel and fighting mad. loony and loonie mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's acting a little loonie. Let's get her home before she's sick.A couple of drinks and she's as loonie as hotcakes. looped and loopy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sam is too looped to drive.She got loopy very quickly and had to be helped to a chair. loop-legged mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's too loop-legged to drive.She has this strange tendency to get a little looplegged when she has four or five drinks. loose mod. very drunk.Mary was a little loose and had to be driven home.Don is too loose to stand up. lost in the sauce mod. alcohol intoxicated and bewildered.Bill spends many days lost in the sauce.Sally got lost in the sauce at the party and made quite a spectacle of herself. lubricated mod. alcohol intoxicated.They are sufficiently lubricated for the night.He's not fit to talk to until he's lubricated a bit. maggot(t)y mod. alcohol intoxicated; very drunk. (A play on rotten.)Rotten, hell. They were absolutely maggotty!How can anybody reach the state of being maggoty on three beers? mashed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Both guys were totally mashed. I called my brother, who came and rescued me.Bruno was mashed, but he wouldn't let anyone else drive. maxed out mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sam was maxed out and seemed happy enough to sit under the table and whimper.I hadn't seen Barlowe so maxed out in years. He was nearly paralyzed. Mickey finished mod. alcohol intoxicated; totally drunk. (A play on Mickey Finn.)I guess the old guy is about Mickey finished. He's plootered!What gets into guys that makes them want to get Mickey finished before they stop? milled mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was cut up with all that booze—milled, I guess.She was too milled to drive and couldn't walk, either. mixed (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated. (This is hyphenated before a nominal.)I'm just a little mixed up, nothing serious. No reason you should be swaying around like that.Jerry's too mixed to drive home. moist around the edges mod. alcohol intoxicated.Charlie is more than moist around the edges. He is soused.Didn't that guy seem a little moist around the edges? moonlit mod. alcohol intoxicated, with moonshine.He's on the jug again. See, he's all moonlit.He's too moonlit to drive. mopped and moppy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jack was a little moppy to be driving.He's not mopped; he's sloshed. muddled (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.I've had a little too much muddler, I think. Anyway, I'm muddled.Larry is too muddled up to drive. muggy mod. alcohol intoxicated.George is just a little muggy. It doesn't take much anymore.I'm too muggy to drive. nipped mod. alcohol intoxicated.All four of them went out and got nipped.How can anybody be so nipped on four beers? non compos and non compos poopoo mod. alcohol intoxicated.That gal isn't just drunk. She's non compos poopoo.Two glasses and he was non compos. obliterated mod. drunk.Fred was obliterated and couldn't walk to his car, let alone drive it.Three beers and Sally became obliterated. off one's nut mod. alcohol intoxicated.Those guys are really off their nuts!She just sat there and got more and more off her nut. on the blink mod. alcohol intoxicated; on a drinking spree.They all went out and got on the blink.My brother is a little bit on the blink this morning. on the fritz mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sue is a bit on the fritz.She drank till she was totally on the fritz. Otis mod. drunk.Gary was completely Otis and couldn't walk straight.Fred was Otis by midnight and began looking like he was going to barf. out cold mod. alcohol intoxicated.Four beers and he was out cold.He sat in his chair at the table, out cold. out like a light mod. heavily alcohol intoxicated.Those guys are really out like a light!All four of them drank till they were out like a light. out of one's skull mod. alcohol intoxicated.Oh, man, I drank till I was out of my skull.Two beers and he was out of his skull. out of the way mod. alcohol intoxicated.She spends a lot of time out of the way.After a few more drinks, Bill will be out of the way. overserved mod. having to do with a drunken person in a bar; alcohol intoxicated. (Euphemistic.)Four customers were overserved and had to leave.The overserved guy there in the corner is going to be sick. packaged mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, Max was really packaged last night!By midnight she was totally packaged. pafisticated mod. alcohol intoxicated. (A corruption of “sophisticated.”)Whenever I drink champagne, I get totally pafisticated.Look at her drive. She is a real pafisticated lady. paid mod. alcohol intoxicated.I think I'll go out and get paid tonight.Tom went to the tavern and spent all his money on getting paid. parboiled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sally stayed at the bar just long enough to get parboiled.She's not really stewed, just parboiled. pee'd mod. alcohol intoxicated.This old boy is really pee'd.His old lady gets pee'd after a few beers. peonied mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, was she peonied! Really stoned.Let's go get peonied, just for the hell of it. pepped (up) and peppy mod. alcohol intoxicated.That guy looks a little pepped up. Don't give him any more booze.I feel sort of pepped up. Time to stop drinking. perked (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Three beers and he's perked.No more. She's done. She's perked up for good. petrified mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Literally, turned into stone. Another way of saying stoned.)She's not drunk; she's petrified.He drank moonshine till he was petrified. phfft mod. alcohol intoxicated.You won't wake him up for hours yet. He's phfft.Three beers and she's phfft, for sure. pickled mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Very common.)She's usually pickled by noon.It only takes a few drinks to get him pickled. pie-eyed mod. alcohol intoxicated.That guy is really pie-eyed. Send him home.We've got a pie-eyed bus driver. I want to get off! piffed and pifted mod. alcohol intoxicated.That guy is really piffed.How can anybody get that piffed on four beers? piffled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Three glasses of booze and she was totally piffled.He was so piffled he couldn't talk! piff(l)icated mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody drink so much and not get totally pifflicated?Get that pifficated stuffed shirt out of here! pigeon-eyed mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anyone get so pigeon-eyed on so little booze?Who is that pigeon-eyed guy over there who is having such a hard time standing up? pilfered mod. alcohol intoxicated.I've had too much. I'm beginning to feel pilfered.That old boy is really pilfered. pinked mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.She's sitting there looking a bit pinked.I want to get pinked. Fill it up, bartender. pipped (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm not drunk. Just a little pipped up.She's pipped and ready to get sick. pissed mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)He was really pissed.He was so pissed he could hardly stand up. pixilated and pixolated mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.She seems a bit pixilated. She's probably been drinking.Martha, you mustn't drive. I think you are pixilated. plastered mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's really plastered.She's so plastered she can't see. plastered to the wall mod. heavily alcohol intoxicated.He's not just drunk; he's plastered to the wall!How can anybody get plastered to the wall on just four beers? pleasantly plastered mod. mildly alcohol intoxicated; mellow with drink.He wasn't really stoned. Just pleasantly plastered.I get to the point that I am pleasantly plastered, and then I stop. plonked (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.He sure is plonked up.She is totally plonked. plootered mod. alcohol intoxicated.We went out and got totally plootered.How can anyone get so plootered on a bottle of wine? plotzed mod. alcohol intoxicated; really drunk.They all came home plotzed.Two bottles and she was plotzed. polished (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.One glass of that stuff and I was polished up.How much of that do I have to drink to get good and polished? pooped (out) mod. alcohol intoxicated.How much of that stuff does it take to get pooped?He's been drinking all night and is totally pooped out. poopied mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was so poopied that she giggled all the way home.They got real poopied last night. pop-eyed mod. alcohol intoxicated, with bulging eyes.What's he been drinking? He's pop-eyed as hell.She drank until she was totally pop-eyed. powdered (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Those guys are powdered up.Most of the bums in the gutter are really powdered. preserved mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's really preserved.He drank a quart of vodka and is totally preserved. puggled mod. alcohol intoxicated.When he started pouring his drink down his collar, I knew he was puggled.The whole gang got puggled last night. pummelled mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)Can you imagine getting pummelled on peppermint schnapps?They get pummelled every Friday night. pushed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tom is a little pushed and can't walk very straight.How can you be so pushed on so little booze? putrid mod. alcohol intoxicated.That guy is stinking drunk. Putrid, in fact.They went out last night and got putrid. put to bed with a shovel mod. alcohol intoxicated.He wasn't just tipsy. He was put to bed with a shovel!Dead drunk? Yes, put to bed with a shovel. quartzed mod. alcohol intoxicated.She is really quartzed!How can anybody get so quartzed on a bottle of wine? queer mod. alcohol intoxicated.After a glass or two, he got a little queer.She was so queer she could hardly stagger home. queered mod. alcohol intoxicated. (In the sense “made bogus.”)I feel sort of queered.How can anybody get so queered on two beers? rack up in. to become alcohol intoxicated.Let's go down to the tavern and rack up.I think I'll rack up. rattled mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.After an hour of drinking, Bill was more than a little rattled.Being rattled from beer, I stopped drinking beer and began on the rum. raunchy and raunchie; ronchie mod. alcohol intoxicated.Those guys were raunchy as hell.Let's go out and get good and ronchie. ripe mod. alcohol intoxicated.Yes, they were ripe all right. Stinking drunk.Bill was so ripe that they took him home. roasted mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was stewed, roasted, and boiled.He's out getting roasted with the boys. rotten mod. alcohol intoxicated.It takes a case of beer to get Wilbur rotten.When he gets rotten, he's sort of dangerous. rumdum and rum-dum mod. alcohol intoxicated.The old lady got rumdum on gin.Two glasses and she was rumdum and asleep. rummed (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Sailors like to go into town and get rummed up.Those boys are really rummed. rummy mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's rummy, and she's going to be sick.Who's the rummy old girl?How long does it take a heavy drinker like Bob to get rummy? sauced mod. alcohol intoxicated.She went out and got herself sauced.Man, do you look sauced. sawed mod. alcohol intoxicated.I got sawed last weekend, and I still have a headache.She drank a lot, but never got sawed. scammered mod. alcohol intoxicated.She is scammered out of her mind.Two bottles of that stuff and she was scammered. screeching (drunk) mod. alcohol intoxicated; very drunk.How can anybody be so screeching drunk on four beers?She's not just drunk; she's screeching. screwed and screwed tight mod. alcohol intoxicated.She spends a lot of time screwed.She's not just drunk; she's screwed tight. screwed, blued, and tattooed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Who wants to go out and get screwed, blued, and tattooed?All four of them went out and got screwed, blued, and tattooed. screwy mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody be so screwy on five beers?I've never seen anybody so screwy. scronched mod. alcohol intoxicated.She just sat there and got scronched.He spends a lot of time totally scronched. seeing pink elephants and seeing pink spiders; seeing snakes tr. alcohol intoxicated; recovering from a drinking bout; having the delirium tremens.When I got to the point of seeing pink elephants, I knew that something had to be done.The old one who's shaking—he's probably seeing snakes. sewed up mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's not just drunk; she's sewed up.Will this stuff get me sewed up? SF mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Initialism. From shit-faced.)Fred was really SF last night.How can that guy get so SF? shagged mod. alcohol intoxicated.She is mucho shagged!Nobody is not too shagged to drive—or something like that. shaved mod. alcohol intoxicated.I feel a tad shaved.So what if I'm a bit shaved? I shtill have all my shenses. shellacked mod. alcohol intoxicated; overcome by booze.Ernie was so shellacked he couldn't see.How did he get so shellacked? I didn't see him drink anything. shicker and schicker; schickered mod. alcohol intoxicated. (From Hebrew shiqor via Yiddish.)It took her about ten minutes to get schicker and three days to get sober.He's schickered, and he's not going anywhere tonight. shined mod. alcohol intoxicated, especially by moonshine.Tipsy? He's shined from dawn to dusk.The old farmer seemed a bit shined. shit-faced and shitty mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)I'm shit-faced, and I know it.Move over. You're too shitty to drive. shot mod. alcohol intoxicated.They are a little noisy, I guess, but after all they are shot, you know, plastered.I am half shot now. I'll quit before I'm shot. shot in the neck mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's shot in the neck, but he's not bleeding.What's wrong with Harry is that he's shot in the neck every day by supper. shredded mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)We are all too shredded to drive home. What shall we do?I believe that each of us is shredded enough to fly home. Let's vote on that. sizzled mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'd like to go out tonight and get sizzled— maybe that would help me forget Tiffany.Harold got himself sizzled and couldn't drive to the dance. skunk-drunk mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was skunk-drunk and didn't want to be bothered.Some skunk-drunk character came in and started talking big. skunked mod. alcohol intoxicated.Kelly got skunked on suds—very unusual for him.He was so skunked he couldn't find his house. slaughtered mod. drunk.Ted and Bill came home slaughtered and caught hell for it.Garth went out and got himself slaughtered again last night. slewed and slewy; slued; sloughed (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wallace is too slewed to drive.She knows how to stop drinking before she gets slewy. slightly rattled mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.He's only slightly rattled. He'll recover by morning.She can be stone blind and still seem only slightly rattled. slopped mod. alcohol intoxicated.I've never seen a senior citizen so inelegantly slopped as was Walter.He was so slopped, he could walk without his cane. sloshed (to the ears) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, is he sloshed to the ears!He is as sloshed as they come. slugged mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm slugged—skunked, you know, corned. And I think I am going to sick up.Ted realized that he was slugged out of his mind, but tried to get the bartender to serve him another drink. slushed (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.I hate to come home slushed and wake up everybody. I have to sing, you see.This chick is so slushed that she doesn't know her name. snapped (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated.Let's go out and get ourselves good and snapped.Pete was snapped up by eightthirty. snooted mod. alcohol intoxicated.He got himself thoroughly snooted.She's snooted and will never get home by herself. snoozamorooed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, was she snoozamorooed!He went and got himself snoozamorooed before the wedding. snotted mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion.)He got himself totally snotted in two hours.He was too snotted to stand up. snozzled mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody be so snozzled on four beers?Those guys are really snozzled! snuffy mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was a little snuffy, but nothing debilitating.Who's the snuffy little guy in the corner booth? soaked mod. alcohol intoxicated.All the guys came home soaked.Frank was too soaked to drive home. socked mod. alcohol intoxicated.I don't know what was in that punch, but I was socked.She got socked out of her mind. soft mod. alcohol intoxicated.After a few hours at the party, it appeared that most people were getting soft.Hard liquor makes people soft. soggy mod. alcohol intoxicated.The two old ladies got a little soggy, but nothing uncouth.They weren't sopping wet, just soggy. sopping (wet) and soppy mod. alcohol intoxicated.After about six beers, Ralph found himself a little soppy.He's soused—you know, sopping wet. so-so mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.They were so-so after a while—in front of the television with all that beer and stuff.He's so-so, but he can still stand up. soupy mod. alcohol intoxicated; drunk and vomiting.Then he got sort of soupy and broke up the party.These young kids tend to get soupy rather than pass out. soused mod. alcohol intoxicated.We were really soused.All we need right now is a soused bus driver. southern-fried mod. alcohol intoxicated. (An elaboration of fried, referring to fried chicken.)Ted and Bill went out and got themselves southern-fried.When Bob came home southern-fried, his wife nearly killed him. sozzled and sossled; sozzly mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, was she sozzled.She was so sozzly she didn't even know her name, or my name, or anybody's name. spifflicated and spificated mod. alcohol intoxicated.Mrs. Wilmington-Thorpe drank champagne until she was nearly spifflicated.Being spificated on champagne is not as bad as it sounds. squiffed and squiffy mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was a little squiffed, but still entertaining.The hostess was so squiffed she could hardly stand. squiff out in. to collapse from drink.Hank squiffed out at midnight, right on the dot.She kept from squiffing out because she didn't trust her date. starched and starchy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, was he starched!No, he wasn't quite stiff, but he was starched. steamed (up) mod. alcohol intoxicated and fighting.He was really steamed— and could hardly stand up.By midnight, Larry was too steamed to drive home, and he had to spend the night. stewed to the gills and stewed to the ears mod. alcohol intoxicated.Why does a grown man have to get stewed to the gills every night of his life if there isn't something a little wrong with him?Here's old Charlie—stewed to the ears, as always. stewed (up) and stew mod. alcohol intoxicated.Gary was too stewed to remember his name.The kid was stewed up and scared to death of what his parents were going to do to him. stiff and stiffed mod. alcohol intoxicated; dead drunk.Kelly was too stiff to find his keys.She knows how to stop drinking before she gets stiffed. stinking (drunk) mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was really stinking.She came within an inch of getting stinking drunk. stone blind mod. heavily alcohol intoxicated.Jerry drank the sauce till he was stone blind.When he was stone blind, he drank some more. stonkered mod. alcohol intoxicated.My buddy here is stonkered and needs a ride, and can I have one, too?Wally was stonkered beyond any help. stozzled mod. alcohol intoxicated.My buddy is too stozzled to drive home. Can you give him a lift?Marty can drink and drink and never get stozzled or even tipsy. stuccoed mod. alcohol intoxicated. (A play on plastered.)The guy was too stuccoed to drive and couldn't stand up to walk.I can drink without getting stuccoed, mainly because I drink soda. stung mod. alcohol intoxicated.I'm a little stung by the mule, but I can find my way home if you'll just remind me how to open this door.She can drink that stuff all evening and never get stung. stunned mod. alcohol intoxicated.I was simply stunned with the stuff.Kelly was stunned and had to be carried home to recover. stupid mod. drunk.These kids are so stupid they can't see straight. They're all going to be sick.Wayne was too stupid to walk, let alone drive. swacked mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tracy is too swacked to drive home. Can somebody give her a lift?He walked straight out of the office and went straight into the bar with the intention of getting swacked. swamped mod. alcohol intoxicated.Look at him! He's swamped—stoned out of his mind.Those old boys used to go out and get swamped every Saturday night. swigged and swiggled mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy.Man, is she ever swigged!He is too swiggled to drive. swizzled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred went out and got himself swizzled.Man, he is really swizzled! swoozled mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody be so swoozled on three beers?Those guys are really swoozled! tacky mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tom was a little tacky, so he gave me his car keys.Bruno seems tacky, but that's just the way he is. tanked and tanked up mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was too tanked to drive.That old codger is really tanked. tanky mod. alcohol intoxicated.The guy was just a little tanky.He found a way to slow down and keep from getting tanky at parties. tanned mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Preserved like a tanned hide of an animal.)She was completely tanned.Tom is too tanned to drive. Get him out of that car. that way mod. alcohol intoxicated.Daddy's that way again.I'm sorry, but Fred's that way again and can't drive to work. thawed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tad is sort of soppy, you might say, thawed.Do you think he's too thawed to drive us home? three sheets in the wind and three sheets (to the wind); two sheets to the wind mod. alcohol intoxicated and unsteady. (Sheets are the ropes used to manage a ship's sails. It is assumed that if these ropes were blowing in the wind, the ship would be unmanageable.)He was three sheets to the wind and didn't pay attention to my warning.By midnight, he was three sheets. tiddled mod. alcohol intoxicated.He had a tendency to get a little tiddled.Jack's too tiddled to drive. tiffled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Harry was too tiffled to drive.Mary got a little tiffled, but nothing really gross. tight mod. alcohol intoxicated.Frank was tight and didn't want to drive.The host got tight and had to go to bed. tight as a tick mod. alcohol intoxicated.The old man was tight as a tick, but still lucid.The host got tight as a tick and fell in the pool. tipply mod. alcohol intoxicated.Ben is too tipply to drive home.I feel a little tipply. toasted mod. alcohol intoxicated.The chick got toasted on two glasses of cheap white wine.I'm not toasted, just a little breathless. tongue-tied mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was tongue-tied and couldn't stand up.She's not just tipsy; she's tongue-tied. topsy-boozy and topsy-boosy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Gary drank until he was topsy-boozy.She was so topsy-boosy she couldn't stand up. topsy-turvy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Four glasses of gin and the jerk was totally topsy-turvy.She was too topsy-turvy to stand up. torqued mod. alcohol intoxicated.Fred was really torqued and trying to pick fights with everyone.Mary gets torqued on just a few drinks. totaled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tom was too totaled to talk.Jed was totaled and couldn't see to pay the bill. touched mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was acting a little touched, but we didn't smell anything on her breath.Jed is a mite touched, wouldn't you say? Can't talk, walk, or see. toxicated and toxy mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was just a tad toxy, but no one in the audience could tell.The boss showed up toxicated after lunch and shocked the secretaries. trammeled mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)Jim came home trammeled and was sick on the carpet.Wow, is she trammeled! tubed mod. alcohol intoxicated.They were both tubed and giggling.You really look tubed, man! tuned mod. tipsy; drunk.Wally was a little tuned so Sally swiped his car keys.Tom was too tuned to stand up, let alone drive. tweased mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jim came in a little tweased last night.How tweased can anybody get on two beers? tweeked mod. alcohol intoxicated. (Collegiate.)They're not really bombed— just tweeked a little.Fred was too tweeked to stand up. twisted mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was so twisted she couldn't see.That chick is really twisted bad. under the affluence of incohol mod. alcohol intoxicated. (A deliberate spoonerism on under the influence of alcohol.)Perhaps I am under the affluence of incohol just a little bit.You are very, very much under the affluence of incohol, as you have so aptly put it. under the table mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jed was under the table by midnight.By 3:00 in the morning, everyone was under the table. under the weather mod. alcohol intoxicated.Daddy's under the weather again.Wally's just a tad under the weather. up a tree mod. alcohol intoxicated.Only two glasses of booze and he was up a tree for sure.My buddy here is up a tree and needs a crash for the night. upholstered mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was a little upholstered, but not seriously impaired.He drank till he was comfortably upholstered. up the pole mod. alcohol intoxicated.You sound a little up the pole. Why don't you call back when you're sober?She's up the pole and shouldn't drive. varnished mod. alcohol intoxicated.Really varnished, he was. Couldn't see a hole in a ladder.That lady is too varnished to drive. If you see her getting into a car, call the cops. vegetable mod. alcohol intoxicated.He's a tad vegetable but not in a stupor.Helen drank till she was totally vegetable. vomatose mod. drunk, vomiting, and nearly comatose. (From vomit and comatose.)Claude is completely vomatose. What a party!Beavis got himself vomatose and messed up the driveway. walking on rocky socks mod. alcohol intoxicated.She's sort of walking on rocky socks.He looks like he's walking on rocky socks. wall-eyed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Wow, is he ever wall-eyed!Who's the wall-eyed guy carrying the ham sandwich? warped mod. drug intoxicated.Too many yellows made Jerry warped as the dickens.I think Max is permanently warped. waxed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Tom is too waxed to talk.Sam got waxed and had to be taken home. well-fixed and well-heeled mod. alcohol intoxicated.By midnight, he was pretty well-fixed.You might say he is well-fixed. You might say he's dead drunk, too. well-oiled mod. alcohol intoxicated.He was well-oiled and couldn't stand up.Get him well-oiled and break the news to him. wet mod. alcohol intoxicated.The jerk is wet and can't drive home.He's been drinking since noon and is pretty wet. whazood and waa-zooed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Man, is she whazood!Pete was too waa-zooed to stand up. whiffled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jed found himself a mite whiffled, but nobody else knew.That guy really looks whiffled. whipped mod. alcohol intoxicated.He slid under the table—whipped, for sure.She was too whipped to find money to pay her bill. whittled mod. alcohol intoxicated; filled with liquor.Fred's whittled and can't hardly see.Why does he keep getting so whittled? whooshed mod. alcohol intoxicated.Jerry was totally whooshed by midnight.Hank was whooshed but thought he could drive home. wing heavy mod. alcohol intoxicated.Ken's a little wing heavy and can't fly straight.From the way he's staggering, I'd say he's more than a little wing heavy. woofled mod. alcohol intoxicated.Good grief, was he woofled!Did I get woofled last night? I just don't remember. woozy mod. alcohol intoxicated.I felt a little woozy, but that didn't stop me from having more.Woozy as I am, I can still drive. Now, give me back my keys. zagged mod. alcohol intoxicated.How can anybody get so zagged on three beers?Wow, is she zagged! zapped mod. alcohol intoxicated.We all got zapped and then went home.Marty is too zapped to stand up. zissified mod. alcohol intoxicated.Two of them were zissified on rum. The rest just got a little wrecked.Man, is she zissified! zoned (out) mod. alcohol intoxicated.What's the matter with your eyes? Get a little zoned last night?Yeah, I'm sort of zoned out. zoobang mod. alcohol intoxicated.Boy howdy! Are you ever zoobang!So, you think I'm zoobang? You want to step outside? zooed mod. drunk.Sam likes to go out and get zooed every weekend.Garth is so silly when he's zooed. zooted mod. alcohol intoxicated.Both of them were zooted to the max.She was too zooted to even see straight. zorked mod. alcohol intoxicated.She was zorked beyond help.Everybody was essentially zorked by midnight. zozzled mod. drunk.Dave was too zozzled to drive.John had a few, but he didn't get zozzled or anything like that. |
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