

词组 of note

of note

1. Important or significant. We only have a limited amount of time in which to conduct this meeting, so let's please stick to matters of consequence.
2. Famous. Once people found out my brother was a person of note, everyone suddenly wanted to be my friend. She was the only person of consequence at the party, so once she left, I felt there was no longer a reason to stay.

someone of note

a person who is famous. We invited a speaker of note to lecture at the next meeting. The baseball player of note was inducted into the Hall of Fame.

of note

Important, of distinction, famous, as in I have nothing of note to report, or The speaker was a man of note. This idiom uses note in the sense of "importance" or "fame." [Late 1500s]

of ˈnote

(used after a noun) important or famous: The old theatre is one of the town’s few buildings of note.




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