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SOMETHING something or other something; one thing or another. (Informal.)I can't remember what Ann said—something or other.A messenger came by and dropped off something or other at the front desk.
something 1. adverb used for intensifying. Amends an adjective into an adverb: 'something cruel', 'something horrible', etc UK, 1964 2. noun a remarkable thing UK, 1958.► do you want to make something out of it?; do you want to make something of it?do you want to fight about it?; do you want to argue about it? US, 1948.► have something onto have information about someone or something US, 1919
idiomsomething► sb has something to provesb is up to something(also sb is up to no good)spoken used in order to say that you think someone is doing something that they should not be doing:Do you think the kids are up to something upstairs? They're very quiet.Have you noticed that man hanging around outside? I'm sure he's up to no good.
See:- (a) pox on (someone or something)
- (a)hold of (someone or something)
- (all) the better for (something)
- (all) the better to (do something)
- (Can I) get you something (to drink)?
- (do something) a treat
- (do something) like it's going out of style
- (do something) or get off the pot
- (do something) to excess
- (Do you) know something?
- (first) dibs (on something)
- (had) best (do something)
- (have done) more (something) than (one) has had hot dinners
- (have) got a thing going (with someone)
- (have) got something going (with someone)
- (I'd be) happy to (do something)
- (in) back of (something)
- (in) honor bound (to do something)
- (it's) just as well (that) (something happened)
- (mother) nature's (something)
- (one) can whistle for it
- (one) can't beat (something)
- (one) could be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) could stand (something)
- (one) could use (something)
- (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
- (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
- (one) might be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) will be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) won't (do something) again in a hurry
- (one) won't be (doing something) again in a hurry
- (one) would be forgiven for (doing something)
- (one) would do well to (do something)
- (one) wouldn't (do something) again in a hurry
- (one, two, three) strikes against (someone or something)
- (one's) fair share (of something)
- (one's) fill (of something)
- (one's) gorge rises (at something)
- (one's) heart is set against (something)
- (one's) heart is set on (something)
- (one's) heart isn't in it
- (one's) passport to (something)
- (right) up there with (someone or something)
- (someone or something) from hell
- (someone or something) promises well
- (someone or something) rides again
- (someone or something) rules
- (someone or something) strikes again
- (someone or something) to be reckoned with
- (someone or something) to shout about
- (someone or something's) days are numbered
- (someone) is not going to thank you for (something)
- (someone) won't thank you for (something)
- (someone's or something's) days are numbered
- (someone's) take on (something)
- (something) as a service
- (something) be damned
- (something) blows
- (something) for (something)
- (something) gives me life
- (something) in a million
- (something) is all (one) needs
- (something) is better than nothing
- (something) is no object
- (something) is one thing, (something else) is (quite) another
- (something) is the new (something)
- (something) is you
- (something) isn't everything
- (something) or no (something)
- (something) permitting
- (something) shouldn't happen to a dog
- (something) speaks for itself
- (something) to call (one's) own
- (something) will get (someone) nowhere
- (something) won't get (someone) anywhere
- (something)-adjacent
- (something)-to-be
- (something's) on me
- (somewhere or something) or bust
- (the) odds are against (something)
- (the) smart money is on (someone or something)
- (there's) no fear of (something)
- (there's) no point (in) (doing something)
- (with) (one's) eyes glued to (something)
- (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
- a (damn) sight less/fewer (something)
- a (damn) sight more (something)
- a (damn) sight too (something)
- a (good/solid/sound/etc.) grasp of/on (something)
- a (kind of) reflection on (someone or something)
- a (whole) host of (something)
- a (whole) raft of (something)
- a blind bit of
- a blind bit of (something)
- a card-carrying member (of something)
- a case of (something)
- a catch to (something)
- a cloud hangs over (someone or something)
- a cloud hangs over somebody/something
- a cut above somebody/something
- a deuce of a
- a deuce of a (something)
- a devil of a
- a drag on something
- a fair crack at something
- a fan of (someone or something)
- a far cry from (something)
- a far cry from something
- a feen for (something)
- a fine line
- a fine line between something
- a fire under (someone or something)
- a foothold in (something)
- a freeze on (something)
- a great one for (doing something)
- a grip on
- a grip on oneself
- a hand in
- a hand in (something)
- a hand with (something)
- a heck of a
- a hell of a
- a honey of a (something)
- a hundred and one (something)
- a kind of (something)
- a laundry list of (something)
- a license to (do something)
- a lightning rod for something
- a line on (someone or something)
- a lot of
- a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
- a matter of (something)
- a mean (something)
- a mean something
- a million and one (something)
- a nail in somebody's/something's coffin
- a nodding acquaintance with (someone or something)
- a nose for something
- a number of (something)
- a one-way ticket to (somewhere or something)
- a passing acquaintance with (someone or something)
- a passing acquaintance with something
- a peach of a
- a peach of a (something)
- a peg on which to hang (something)
- a peg on which to hang something
- a peg to hang (something) on
- a peg to hang something on
- a picture of
- a pig of a (something)
- a pig of a something
- a pop
- a poster child for something
- a prelude to (something)
- a question mark hangs over somebody/something
- a raft of
- a recipe for (something)
- a run on (something)
- a rush on (something)
- a sad, poor, etc. reflection on something
- a say (in something)
- a shade (something)
- a shade of
- a shade of (something)
- a shopping list of (something)
- a sight more
- a slew of (something)
- a slip of a
- a slue of (something)
- a sometime thing
- a stick to beat someone or something with
- a stonker of a (something)
- a stranger to (someone or something)
- a sucker for (someone or something)
- a taste for (something)
- a thousand and one (something)
- a tight rein on (someone or something)
- a trick worth two of (something)
- a variation on the theme of (something)
- a walking
- a walking (something)
- a whale of a
- a whole lot of (something)
- a world of (something)
- a/the feel of (something)
- abbreviate (something) to
- able to (do something) blindfolded
- able to (do something) with (one's) eyes closed
- able to cut it
- able to cut something
- able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
- able to do (something) with (one's) eyes closed
- able to make (something)
- about to (do something)
- above and beyond
- above and beyond something
- above and beyond the call of duty
- abreast of
- absent (oneself) from (someone or something)
- absolve (one) from (something)
- absolve (one) of (something)
- absorb (oneself) in (something)
- absorb (someone or something) in(to) (something)
- absorb (something) with (something)
- abstract (something) from (something or some place)
- accept (something) as (something)
- accept (something) as gospel
- access to (someone or something)
- acclimate (someone or something) to (something)
- accommodate (one) with (something)
- accommodate (oneself) to (something)
- accompanied by (someone or something)
- accord with (something)
- according to (someone or something)
- accredit (something) to (someone)
- accrue to (something)
- accuse (one) of (something)
- accustom (one) to (something)
- accustomed to
- ace (something)
- ace in(to something)
- ace into something
- ache for
- ache for (someone or something)
- acknowledge (one) as (something)
- acknowledge (the) receipt of (something)
- acquaint (one) with (something)
- acquainted with (someone or something)
- acquiesce to (something)
- acquit (one) of (something)
- adapt (something) for (something)
- adapt (something) from (something)
- adapt (something) to (something)
- add (something) into (something)
- add (something) together
- add to (something)
- add up to (something)
- addict (one) to (something)
- address (one) as (something)
- address (one's) comments to (someone or something)
- address (one's) remarks to (someone or something)
- address (oneself) to (someone or something)
- address (something) to (one)
- adhere to (something)
- adjourn for (something)
- adjust (oneself or something) to (something)
- administer (something) to (one)
- admire (one) for (something)
- admire to (do something)
- admit (one) to (something or some place)
- admit (someone or something) into (something or some place)
- admit of (something)
- admit to (something)
- admonish (one) for (something)
- adopt (someone or something) as (something)
- adore (one) for (something)
- adorn (someone or something) with (something)
- adulterate (something) with (something)
- advance (something) to (one)
- advance (up)on (something or some place)
- advance toward (something or some place)
- advertise for (someone or something)
- advise (one) about (something)
- advise (one) against (something)
- advise (one) of (something)
- advise (one) on (something)
- advise against (something)
- affiliate (someone or something) to (someone or something)
- affiliate (someone or something) with (someone or something)
- affinity for (someone or something)
- affix (one's) signature to (something)
- affix (something) to (something)
- afflict (one) with (someone or something)
- after
- after (someone or something)
- after the fashion of
- after the fashion of (someone or something)
- after the fashion of somebody/something
- against
- ahead of
- ahead of (someone or something's) time
- aid (someone) in (something)
- aim to (do something)
- alive to (something)
- all eyes are on (someone or something)
- all eyes are on somebody/something
- all eyes are on someone/something
- all for
- all manner of somebody/something
- all of (something)
- all of a piece with (something)
- all of a piece with something
- all of something
- all over (something)
- all over something
- all the more reason for (doing something)
- all the more reason to (do something)
- all too (something)
- allocate (something) to
- allot (something) to
- allow (one) free rein
- allow (one) full rein
- allow (someone or something) in(to)
- allow (something) full play
- allow of (something)
- alloy (something) with
- along the lines of (something)
- along with
- along with something
- amount to
- amuse (someone or something) with
- an apology for
- an apology for something
- an armchair critic
- an armchair something
- an armchair traveler
- an ax(e) hanging over (someone or something)
- an axe hanging over something
- an ocean of (something)
- an ocean of something
- an old hand
- and (something) to spare
- and a half
- and to spare
- angle at (something)
- angle for (something)
- annex (something) to
- announce (something) to
- any advance on
- any advance on (something)
- any amount of (something)
- any amount/number of something
- any fool could (do something)
- anyone would think (something)
- anything in it
- anything in it for (one)
- anything like that
- anything/nothing/something in it
- anything/nothing/something in it for somebody
- anything/nothing/something like that
- append (something) (on)to
- apply (oneself) to (something)
- apply for (something)
- argue (one's) way out (of something)
- argue (someone or something) down
- around
- around (someone or something)
- arrange (something) with
- as (something) as (something)
- as (something) as the next man/woman/person
- as (something) as they come
- as (something) as you please
- as a result of (something)
- as a token of (something)
- as against (something)
- as against something
- as as all get out
- as as the next man
- as as they come
- as as you please
- as far as (someone or something) is concerned
- as far as (something) goes
- as far as is concerned
- as for
- as for somebody/something
- as from (something)
- as good as
- as good as (something)
- as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
- as much as somebody can/could do to do something
- as per (something)
- as per something
- as regards somebody/something
- as sin
- as to
- as to something
- ascribe (something) to (something)
- ask (something) of
- ask around about
- ask for
- assign (something) to
- assimilate (oneself/someone/something) into
- associate with
- assure (one) of (something)
- astound (one) with (something)
- at (something's) lowest ebb
- at bay
- at full blast
- at loose ends
- at odds with (someone, something, or oneself)
- at odds with something
- at one with (someone or something)
- at risk to (someone, something, or oneself)
- at risk to yourself/somebody/something
- at the cutting edge
- at the cutting edge of something
- at the expense of somebody/something
- at the hand(s) of (someone or something)
- at the mercy of somebody/something
- at the risk of (doing something)
- at the risk of doing something
- ate up with (someone or something)
- ate up with someone/something
- attire (someone or oneself) in (something)
- avert (something) (away) from
- avoid (someone or something) like the plague
- avoid somebody/something like the plague
- avoid someone/something like the plague
- avoid the trap of (doing something)
- award (something) to (one)
- away with (someone or something)
- away with something
- back (someone or something) up to (something)
- back (someone) for (something)
- back into (someone or something)
- back of something
- back on track
- back onto (something)
- back out
- back out (of something)
- back over (someone or something)
- badly off for (something)
- bag
- bags on (something)
- balance (something) against (something else)
- balance (something) with (something else)
- balk at the idea (of something)
- ball someone/something up
- ball up
- bang (something) against (something)
- bang goes
- bang goes (something)!
- bang goes something
- bang up
- banish from (something or some place)
- bar from (something or some place)
- bare (something) to (someone)
- bargain (someone or something) down
- bargain for (something)
- bark (something) out (to someone)
- bark (something) out at (someone)
- bark (something) to (someone)
- base in
- bash (something) against (something)
- bat out
- battle (something) out
- be (a) one for (something)
- be (a) party to (something)
- be (a) witness to (something)
- be (all) for (someone or something)
- be (all) out to (do something)
- be (all) set (to do something)
- be (dead) set on (something)
- be (not) a patch on
- be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
- be (not) big on (something)
- be (not) supposed to (do something)
- be (not) well up on (something)
- be (one's) place (to do something)
- be (really) something
- be (right) up there with (someone or something)
- be (something) itself
- be (something) to the good
- be (well) on the/(one's) way to/towards (something)
- be a (fully) paid-up member of something
- be a (something) in the making
- be a (something) through and through
- be a (something) to (one's) fingertips
- be a card-carrying member (of something)
- be a credit to (someone or something)
- be a dab hand
- be a dab hand at something/at doing something
- be a fan of (someone or something)
- be a firm believer in (something)
- be a ghost of (someone or something's) former self
- be a great believer in (something)
- be a great one for (doing something)
- be a great one for something/for doing something
- be a great/firm believer in something
- be a mass of (something)
- be a mass of something
- be a matter of (doing something)
- be a matter of something/doing something
- be a recipe for (something)
- be a shadow of (someone or something's) former self
- be a shining example (of someone or something)
- be a slave of (something)
- be a slave to (something)
- be a slave to/of something
- be a/the model of (something)
- be a/the poor man's (someone or something)
- be a/the poor man's sb/sth
- be able to (do something) in (one's) sleep
- be able to count (someone or something) on one hand
- be able to count (someone or something) on the fingers of one hand
- be able to count somebody/something on one hand
- be able to do something in your sleep
- be about to (do something)
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