

词组 go right through us like a dose of salts
释义 (redirected from go right through us like a dose of salts)

go (right) through (one) like a dose of salts

Of food, drink, or medicine, to be rapidly excreted from the body (as urine or feces) very soon after being ingested. A reference to the use of Epsom salts as a laxative. I try not to drink more than one cup of coffee, it just goes right through me like a dose of salts! I love Indian food, but I eat it so infrequently that when I do, it goes through me like a dose of salts.

go through someone like a dose of (the) salts

in. to move through someone’s digestive tract like a strong laxative. That stuff they served last night went through me like a dose of salts.




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