

词组 screw you over
释义 (redirected from screw you over)

screw (one) over

To con, swindle, cheat, or unfairly deprive one; to put someone at a disadvantage or in a difficult position, especially in an unfair or selfish manner. You should have won that game, but the referee really screwed you over! Tom really screwed us over when he quit in the middle of the project!

screwed over

slang Cheated or swindled; unfairly deprived or taken advantage of. I always bring my dad with me when I go to get my car repaired, because I'm always nervous I'll end up getting screwed over. We should have won that game, but we were really screwed over by the ref.

screw someone over

Sl. to give someone a very bad time; to scold someone severely. Those guys really screwed you over. What started it? Don't think you can screw over me and my friends. I won't let you.

screw over

Vulgar Slang To treat someone unfairly; take advantage of someone: The billing department really screwed me over. The new management screwed over the staff with their rigid policies.

screw someone over

tv. to give someone a very bad time; to scold someone severely. Let’s get those kids in here and screw over every one of them. This stuff can’t continue.




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