

词组 go on
Phr V
go on
goes, going, went, gone
go on
to continue to exist or happen
The music festival goes on until August 31.
often + for
The war had been going on for three years and there was still no sign of peace.
sometimes + doing sth
Let's hope the situation will go on improving.The path just seemed to go on and on. (= it was very long)I know she's upset about losing her job, but, you know, life must go on. (= she must try to continue her life in the usual way)
The study is part of an ongoing research project about women and employment.Smoking is an ongoing problem in the school.
to continue doing somethingoften + doing sth
We can't go on living here for much longer.
sometimes + with
He looked up at me as I came into the room and then went on with what he was doing.Clive and I haven't spoken to each other for weeks - we can't go on like this. (= we can't continue to behave in this way)
to happenoften in continuous tenses
Why isn't Mel here? What's going on?I don't know what went on last night but they're not speaking to each other this morning.
noun plural informal strange or amusing events or activities
There've been some strange goings-on in the house next door.
to talk in an annoying way about something for a long timeoften + about
I've just spent an hour listening to Anne going on about all her problems.Anita does go on, doesn't she!
to continue moving or travelling in a particular direction
We must go on if we want to reach home before it gets dark.Helen had a short rest while the rest of the group went on ahead of her.
if a light or other electrical device goes on, it begins to work
The heating goes on at about 7 o'clock.
Go on!
informal something that you say to encourage someone to do something
'I don't really feel like going to this party.' 'Oh, go on, it'll be great fun!'
informal something that you say in order to agree to do or allow something that you did not want to do or allow before
'Are you sure you wouldn't like another drink?' 'Oh, go on then, but just a small one.''Can I go out to the cinema, Dad?' 'Oh, go on, but don't be late back.'
informal something that you say to tell someone that you do not believe what they have just told you
'Apparently, she got so drunk that she sat on Colin's knee.' 'Go on, she didn't!'
go on sth
to use a piece of information in order to help you discover or understand something
I'm not certain if Jack still lives at that address - I'm just going on what a friend told me.We don't have much to go on at the moment, but we are continuing our research.
go on sth/doing sth
(never passive) British if an amount of money goes on something, it is spent on that thing or doing that thing
I should imagine most of his money goes on beer and cigarettes.
be going on sth
(always in continuous tenses) informal to be almost a particular age
She's probably sixteen going on seventeen.
go on to do sth
to achieve something important after having been successful in the past
After his surprise win in the first round he then amazed everyone by going on to win the championship.
go on (sth)
to start talking again after stopping for a short time, or to continue what you are saying
I'm sorry, I interrupted you. Please go on.
often + with
He paused to light a cigarette and then went on with his story.'We used to be good friends,' Val went on, 'but we've completely lost touch now.'
sometimes + to do sth
He explained that there had been a gas leak but went on to reassure us that we would not be affected.
phrasego on1. go on to continue to happen or exist, especially for a long time or for a particular period of time: The party went on until four in the morning.+ for The negotiations are expected to go on for several weeks. How long has this been going on for?go on and on (=continue for a very long time) The meeting went on and on, until Pauline and I were practically falling asleep.ongoing adj used to emphasize that something continues to happen and does not stop: Learning is an ongoing process - it doesn't stop when you leave school.2. go on to continue doing something without stopping or changinggo on doing sth Philip completely ignored what I said and went on eating. It could go on raining like this all day. I was beginning to feel that I couldn't go on with my work any more. You just have to try and forget what happened and go on with your life.go on If you go on like this, you'll end up in hospital. SIMILAR TO: carry on3. go on usually progressive if something is going on, it is happening, especially something strange, unusual, or confusing: It was obvious that something very suspicious was going on.what's going on There seems to be a lot of noise - what's going on in there? Nobody in the office seemed to know what was going on. SIMILAR TO: happengoings-on n plural events or activities that seem strange or that you disapprove of: There've been some strange goings-on in the house next door.4. go on to do or achieve something, after you have finished doing something else+ to do sth He went on to win an Olympic Gold medal in the 400 metres. Martin Landau and Dianne Wiest have both gone on to win Oscars.+ to In 1980 fewer than 30% of girls went on to higher education.5. go on to continue talking about something, especially after stopping for a short time or being interrupted by someone: "There's only one other possibility," Jed went on. Sorry to interrupt you, please go on.+ with After a short pause, Maria went on with her story. SIMILAR TO: continue6. go on informal to talk too much in a boring waysb/sth does go on Pam's a really nice person but she does go on a bit!go on and on The speaker went on and on until we were all practically falling asleep. SIMILAR TO: bang on BrE informal7. go on usually progressive BrE informal to keep complaining about something, or asking someone to do something: I wish you'd stop going on, Mum!+ about He's always going on about how much work he's got to do.go on at sb (to do sth) BrE I've been going on at Rick to tidy his room for weeks now.8. go on to continue travelling or moving towards a particular place or in a particular direction, especially after stopping for a short time: They stopped at a small hotel and had a meal before going on again.+ to The original plan was to drive down to Spain, but in the end we went on to Morocco.9. go on BrE to go somewhere before the other people you are with: Bill and the girls went on in the car and the rest of us followed on foot.go on ahead Why don't you go on ahead - we'll catch up with you later.10. go on if a type of land, a road etc goes on for a particular distance or in a particular direction, it continues for that distance or in that direction: In front of us, the desert went on as far as the eye could see. This road goes on to Utah, and we don't want to end up there.11. go on! spoken used to encourage someone to do something: Go on, have another drink. Go on, James, tell us! SIMILAR TO: come on! spoken12. go on! spoken informal used to tell someone that you are very surprised by what someone has just told you, or that you do not believe it: Go on! She didn't really go out with him, did she? SIMILAR TO: get away! BrE spoken informal, come off it! spoken informal13. go on (then) BrE spoken informal used to tell someone that you will agree to something that you had refused to agree to before: "Don't you think I could borrow the car, just for once?" "Oh, go on then."14. go on sth to base your opinion or judgement on the information that is available: I can only go on the information that I've got in this report.not have much/anything to go on (=not have much or any information on which to base an opinion or judgement) The police didn't have much to go on as there were no witnesses. SIMILAR TO: go by15. go on sth BrE if an amount of something, especially money, goes on a particular thing, it is spent on or used for that thing: A large proportion of my salary goes on our mortgage.go on doing sth The money we raised went on rebuilding the church tower. SIMILAR TO: go towards/toward16. go on if a light, machine, or piece of equipment goes on, it starts working: The inside light goes on automatically when you open the door. SIMILAR TO: come on OPPOSITE: go off17. as time/the day/the years etc go on used to describe what happens while time passes: As time went on, we no longer seemed to have much in common. I feel fine in the morning, but I tend to get worse as the day goes on. SIMILAR TO: wear on18. be going on for 18/60 etc BrE/be going on 18/60 etc AmE informal to be almost a particular age: "How old's Michael?" "He must be going on for 50 by now."17 going on 18/35 going on 40 etc She must be about seventeen, going on eighteen.19. go on sth to start taking a type of medical drug: I don't want to go on sleeping pills, if I can possibly avoid it.go on the pill (=start taking the pill that prevents you from having a baby) During the 1960s, a lot of women started to go on the pill.

go on

1. verb To physically climb or otherwise move onto something. Someone will have to go on the roof to clean those gutters.
2. verb To continue for a tedious or exasperating length of time. In this usage, "go on" is typically followed by "and on." That film was so stupid, and it just went on and on—I thought it would never be over! My date kept going on about his charity work, never even asking what I do for a living. I try to get a word in, but he always just goes on blathering away.
3. verb To engage in some activity or task. We went on a long walk around the neighborhood. When are you going on vacation?
4. verb To stretch out from a particular place. The river seemed to go on for miles!
5. verb To proceed or persist. Well, the party must go on, whether we have caterers or not! Can you believe that wisecracking kid went on to become a doctor?
6. verb To use some kind of computer or digital platform, which is stated after "on." Do you mind if I go on your computer and check my email? Just go on the website to order it—it'll take two seconds. Can you go on your phone and look up the directions?
7. verb To use as evidence or as an explanation for something. You won't be arrested, not when the opposing council has nothing to go on.
8. verb To appear before an audience. You go on right before the headliner. The band didn't go on until nearly midnight.
9. verb To be approaching some age, either literally or figuratively. My daughter is going on 16 and is very excited to finally be able to drive. I feel like I'm 30 going on 80 with all these aches and pains!
10. verb To start working. A: "Has the TV gone on yet?" B: "No, there must be a blown fuse."
11. verb To begin taking or using a medication, which is stated after "on." My doctor wants me to go on blood-thinners, but the side-effects worry me.
12. verb To start broadcasting. I can't believe it's been 30 years since that show first went on.
13. verb To engage in some prolonged action, usually a change in one's normal routine. Starting in the new year, I'm going to go on a diet. The man who went on a violent rampage has not been found by police yet. I went on a binge this weekend and felt sick for days afterward.
14. expression Please continue speaking or explaining. A: "So, I lost your car." B: "Go on." Go on, we'd like to hear your complete side of the story.
15. expression An invitation for someone to do something. Please go on—how wonderful was the gala? Go on, have a seat and tell me about yourself.
16. expression That's crazy or absurd! Oh, go on! You didn't really chase a bear out of your yard, did you?

go on (and on) (about someone or something)

to talk endlessly about someone or something. She just went on and on about her new car. Albert went on about the book for a long time.

go on (at someone)

to rave at someone. He must have gone on at her for ten minutes—screaming and waving his arms. I wish you would stop going on at me.

go on something

1. Lit. to begin something, such as a diet, rampage, drunk, etc. I went on a diet for the second time this month. Fred went on a rampage and broke a window.
2. Fig. to start acting on some information. We can't go on this! We need more information before we can act on this matter! Can you please give us more information to go on?

Go on.

1. Lit. Please continue. Alice: I guess I should stop here. Tom: No. Don't stop talking. I'm very interested. Go on. Bill: Don't turn here. Go on. It's the next corner. Bob: Thanks. I didn't think that was where we should turn.
2. Lit. to happen. What went on here last night? The teacher asked what was going on.
3. Fig. That's silly!; You don't mean that! (Usually Go on!) John: Go on! You're making that up! Bill: I am not. It's the truth! Bill: Gee, that looks like a snake there in the path. Bob: Go on! That isn't a snake. No snake is that big.

Go on (with you)!

Inf. Go away! (Always a command. No tenses.) It's time you left. Go on with you! Go on. Get yourself home.

going on

happening; occurring. What is going on here? Something is going on in the center of town. Can you hear the sirens?

gone on

Euph. died. My husband, Tom—he's gone on, you know—was a great one for golf. Let us remember those who have gone on before.

go on

1. Happen, take place, as in What's going on here? [Early 1700s]
2. Continue, as in The show must go on. [Late 1500s]
3. Keep on doing; also, proceed, as in He went on talking, or She may go on to become a partner. [Second half of 1600s]
4. Act, behave, especially badly. For example, Don't go on like that; stop kicking the dog. [Second half of 1700s]
5. Also, go on and on; run on. Talk volubly, chatter, especially tiresomely. For example, How she does go on! The first usage dates from the mid-1800s; run on appeared in Nicholas Udall's Ralph Roister Doister (c. 1553): "Yet your tongue can run on."
6. An interjection expressing disbelief, surprise, or the like, as in Go on, you must be joking! [Late 1800s]
7. Approach; see going on.
8. Use as a starting point or as evidence, as in The investigator doesn't have much to go on in this case. [Mid-1900s]
9. go on something. Begin something, as in go on line, meaning "start to use a computer," or go on a binge, meaning "begin to overdo, especially drink or eat too much."

going on

Also, going on for. Approaching, especially an age or time. For example, She's twelve, going on thirteen, or It's going on for midnight. The first term dates from the late 1500s, the variant from the mid-1800s. Also see go on.

— going on —

used to suggest that someone's behaviour or attitudes are those of someone older or younger than their actual age. humorous
1994 Janice Galloway Foreign Parts Cassie, carrying this bloody windsurfing board through customs. Thirty-one going on fifteen.

go ˈon (with you)

(old-fashioned) used to express the fact that you do not believe something, or that you disapprove of something: Go on with you — you’re never forty. You don’t look a day over thirty.

go on

1. To move forward; proceed: The train went on down the tracks. We were tired of walking, but we went on anyway.
2. To put oneself on some surface: I went on the roof to fix the leak.
3. To connect with some computer or computer network: You can go on the Internet to find rare books.
4. To stretch or extend from a place. Used of paths of motion: This road goes on from here through many more towns before reaching the ocean. The river goes on to the lake. The desert goes on for miles in every direction.
5. To use something as a mode of conveyance: The buses weren't running, so I went on the train.
6. To embark on some trip, excursion, or similar activity: My kids went on a hike. I have always wanted to go on a safari. Let's go on a roller coaster ride.
7. To be carried away by some emotionally charged activity: The killer went on a rampage. The reporter remarked about the deranged person who went on a shooting spree.
8. To take place; happen: What is going on in that noisy room? There is a lot going on in the market. I couldn't go to the meeting, so please tell me what went on.
9. To continue: The speech went on for almost an hour. The temperature will fall as the day goes on. If they go on fighting like this, there will be nothing left when the war is over.
10. To continue doing something: I can't go on arguing with you every day. I'm sorry I interrupted you—please go on. We walked until we couldn't go on any longer.
11. To make an appearance on some public medium, such as a stage or television broadcast: The actor went on TV to help raise money for the charity. You should dress quickly for your performance—you go on in half an hour.
12. To begin. Used especially of performances or broadcasts: The show goes on at 6:00. The show first went on the air in 1972.
13. To begin to operate. Used especially of lights and other electrical devices: After the movie was over, the lights went on.
14. To begin taking some drug or medication regularly: I went on a mild painkiller after the operation.
15. To do something. Used as a command or encouragement: Go on, have another drink.
16. To proceed to some place: We went on to the next exhibition. After a brief stay in Moscow, we went on to St. Petersburg. After high school I went on to a two-year college. The winner of this match will go on to the third round.
17. To proceed to do something next, often later in life: Without pausing, she went on to talk about the mountains. He went on to become a senator years later. The winner of this match will go on to face the champion.
18. To base one's judgment on something; go by something: Going on the few symptoms that we could observe, we were able to diagnose the patient. Without a witness, the police had nothing to go on.
19. To talk continuously; rattle on: Every time we see them, they go on about their child's good grades. Do you have to go on like that?
20. To stop telling stories that are not believed or are considered preposterous. Used only as a command: Now go on—you know there are no such things as dragons.
21. To be close to some age. Used only in the progressive: My sister is going on 23. I was going on 10 when I changed schools.

Go on!

exclam. I don’t believe you!; I deny it! Go on! You weren’t even there.

going on

Approaching: The child is six, going on seven years of age.




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