

词组 draped myself over
释义 (redirected from draped myself over)

drape (something or oneself) over (someone or something)

1. To lay on a piece of furniture, usually with one's limbs splayed. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between "drape" and "over." John came in and draped himself over the sofa while moaning about his ex-girlfriend. I was so exhausted from traveling that I draped myself over the bed as soon as I got to my hotel room.
2. To loosely place something over someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "drape" and "over." It wasn't as cold out when I left the theater, so I just draped my coat over my shoulders.

drape oneself over something

to sprawl on a piece of furniture. He draped himself over the armchair and dropped off to sleep. He came in and casually draped himself over grandmother's antique chair.

drape over (something)

[for cloth] to cover something and hang down. The robe draped over her knees, but she was still cold. The tablecloth draped over and reached down to the floor.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 1:54:20