

词组 Best Charles Herbert
释义 (redirected from Best Charles Herbert)
  • (even) the best of friends must part
  • (had) best (do something)
  • (one's) best bib and tucker
  • (one's) best foot forward
  • (one's) best shot
  • (one's) level best
  • (one's) Sunday best
  • (one's)/the best bet
  • (the) best of (an odd number)
  • (the) good is the enemy of (the) best
  • all for
  • all for the best
  • all the best
  • all the best to (someone)
  • an old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
  • as best (one) can
  • as best one can
  • as best you can
  • as far as anyone knows
  • at (one's) best
  • at best
  • at best/worst
  • at its best
  • at one's best
  • at the best of times
  • attack is the best form of defense
  • be far and away the (something)
  • be for the best
  • be in (one's) Sunday best
  • be in good taste
  • be in good, the best possible, etc. taste
  • be in the best of health
  • be in the best possible taste
  • be on (one's) best behavior
  • be past (someone's or something's) best
  • be past your/its best
  • be the best of a bad bunch
  • be the best of a bad lot
  • best bib and tucker
  • best bib and tucker, one's
  • best bud
  • best buy
  • best defense is a good offense
  • best do
  • best foot forward
  • best is the enemy of (the) good
  • best is the enemy of the good
  • best of a bad bargain, to make the
  • best of a bad bunch
  • best of a bad lot
  • best of all possible worlds, the
  • best of all worlds
  • best of both possible worlds
  • best of both worlds
  • best of both worlds, the
  • best of luck
  • best of the bunch
  • best part of
  • best part of something
  • best regards
  • best things come in small packages, good things come in small packages
  • best things in life are free
  • best wishes
  • best/worst-case scenario
  • best-case scenario
  • best-kept secret
  • best-laid plans go astray, the
  • best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray
  • best-laid schemes/plans, the
  • better of
  • bring out the best in
  • bring out the best in (one)
  • bring out the best in somebody
  • come off second best
  • comfortable as an old shoe, as
  • do (one's) best
  • do (one's) level best
  • do (something) for the best
  • do best
  • do one's best
  • do your level best
  • do, mean, etc. something for the best
  • do/try your level best
  • East, West, home's best
  • even in the best of times
  • Experience is the best teacher
  • far and away the best
  • far and away the best (something)
  • first in, best dressed
  • for (a/some) reason(s) best known to (oneself)
  • for a/some reason/reasons best known to himself, herself, etc.
  • for reasons best known to himself
  • for the best
  • get (oneself) into the best of health
  • get into (one's) Sunday best
  • get the best of (someone or something)
  • get the better of
  • get/have the best of something
  • give (someone or something) best
  • give (something) (one's) best shot
  • give best shot
  • give it (one's) best shot
  • give it one's best shot
  • give it one's best shot, to
  • give it your best shot
  • Give my best to
  • give my best to (someone)
  • give someone or something best
  • give something your best shot
  • God takes soonest those he loveth best
  • good things come in small packages
  • greatest thing since sliced bread
  • greatest thing since sliced bread, the
  • had better
  • had better (do something)
  • had better/best do something
  • have (one's) (best) interests at heart
  • have best interest at heart
  • have the best of
  • have the best of (something)
  • he laughs best who laughs last
  • he who laughs last laughs best
  • He who laughs last, laughs longest
  • honesty is the best policy
  • hope for the best
  • hope for the best and prepare for the worst
  • hope for the best but expect the worst
  • Hunger is the best sauce
  • hunger is the best spice
  • in (one's) best interest
  • in (one's) Sunday best
  • in one's interest
  • in Sunday best
  • in the best of health
  • know best
  • last laugh, have the
  • laughter is the best medicine
  • level best
  • level best, to do one's
  • look (one's)/its best
  • look your/its best
  • make the best of
  • make the best of (something)
  • make the best of a bad bargain
  • make the best of a bad job
  • make the best of a bad situation
  • make the best of it
  • make the best of it, to
  • make the best of something/things/a bad job
  • man's best friend
  • May the best man/woman win.
  • mean (something) for the best
  • old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
  • on (one's) best behavior
  • on best behavior
  • on one's best behavior
  • one’s best shot
  • one's best bib and tucker
  • one's best shot
  • put (one's) best foot forward
  • put best foot forward
  • put one's best foot forward
  • put one's best foot forward, to
  • put your best foot forward
  • quite the (most something)
  • quite the best, the worst, etc. something
  • Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.
  • Revenge is a dish best served cold
  • Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  • second best
  • six of the best
  • Sunday best
  • the best defense is a good offense
  • the best medicine
  • the best of a bad bunch/lot
  • the best of both worlds
  • the best of both/all worlds
  • the best of British
  • the best of British (luck)
  • the best of friends must part
  • the best of luck
  • the best of men are but men at best
  • the best of the best
  • the best of the lot
  • the best of three, five, etc.
  • the best part of (something)
  • the best thing since sliced bread
  • the best thing since sliced pan
  • the best things come in small packages
  • the best things in life are free
  • the best-laid plans
  • the best-laid plans go astray
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray
  • the best-laid schemes
  • the best-laid schemes go astray
  • the best-laid schemes of mice and men
  • the better part of (something)
  • the better/best part of something
  • The good is the enemy of the best
  • the next best thing
  • the/your best bet
  • Things will work out
  • to the best of
  • to the best of (one's) ability
  • to the best of (one's) belief
  • to the best of (one's) knowledge
  • to the best of (something)
  • to the best of ability
  • to the best of your belief/knowledge
  • try (one's) level best
  • with the best of intentions
  • with the best of them
  • with the best will in the world
  • work out for the best
  • your best bet
  • your best bib and tucker
  • your Sunday best




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