

词组 represent me in
释义 (redirected from represent me in)

represent (someone or something) in (something)

1. To indicate, symbolize, or stand for someone or something within something. The dove represents peace in many religious and political artworks. There is a long tradition of using shades of black and red to represent villains film.
2. To act or serve as someone's or something's delegate, advocate, or agent, as in business or legal activities. My father-in-law is an accomplished lawyer, so he's going to represent me in court. You want a shrewd businessperson to represent you in all your negotiations to ensure you get the best deal possible. I really don't advise representing yourself in the divorce proceedings.

represent someone in something

to act as one's advocate or agent in business or legal proceedings. My lawyer represented me in court. His attorney will represent him in all his dealings with the publishing company.




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