

词组 play around
play around (with someone or something) and play about (with someone or something)
Theme: PLAY
to engage in some amusing activity with someone or something; to tease someone or something.
Please don't play around with that vase. You'll break it.Don't play about with the parrot. It'll bite you.Bill and I were just playing around when we heard the sound of breaking glass.
play around
to have a sexual relationship with someone not your husband, wife, or partner.
He played around with a number of women.
to behave in a silly way.
We have to quit playing around and get down to work.

Phr V
play around
plays, playing, played
play about/around
informal to behave in a stupid way
Come on, stop playing about and get on with your homework.
sometimes + with
You shouldn't play around with matches - didn't your mother ever tell you that?
informal if someone who is married or who has a serious relationship plays around, they have sex with another person or with several other peopleusually + with
Do you think he plays about with other women?If I ever caught him playing around I'd divorce him.
play around
verb to have an extra-marital amorous liaison US, 1943
phraseplay around1. play around/about informal to behave in a silly way or waste time, when you should be being sensible: In this business you can't play around - you have to be in control all the time. We didn't mean to hurt him. We were just playing around, that's all. SIMILAR TO: fool around, mess around informal2. play around/about informal to have a lot of different sexual relationships, or to have a sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband, wife, or usual partner: I played around a bit when I was young, but now I've settled down with one man.+ with He started playing around with younger women. SIMILAR TO: sleep around, screw around spoken informal

play around

1. To engage in unstructured or loosely stuctured play. I wouldn't worry about the shouting—that's just the boys playing around.
2. To engage in aimless recreation or frivolous time-wasting; to fool around. Quit playing around and work on your book report already, Scotty! You two need to stop playing around and focus on finishing the job!
3. To tinker or fiddle with something. A: "What's that you're working on?" B: "I'm just playing around with a few of these transistors." Hey, don't play around with the thermostat—it needs to stay at 68 degrees. Grandpa's still playing around with that old radio, but I doubt he'll get it to work again.
4. To test or use something in order to learn more about it. I'm playing around with a different platform for my blog, and I can't decide if I like it or not.
5. To engage in casual or extramarital romantic or sexual activity with someone. When are you going to stop playing around with college boys and start thinking about your long-term plans? She'd suspected him of playing around with his secretary for the last few weeks.
6. To joke about something. Often used in the negative to indicate absolute seriousness. Oh, come on, Tina, we're just playing around. We didn't mean it. You guys, Mom is not playing around. She said she would ground us for a month if she caught us again.

play around

 (with someone or something)
1. and play about (with someone or something) to play and frolic with someone or something. Kelly likes to play around with the other kids. The boys are out in the yard, playing about with the neighbor girls. Will you kids stop playing about and get busy? Stop playing around and get busy!
2. Euph. to have a romantic or sexual affair with someone or persons in general. Kelly found out that her husband had been playing around with Susan. I can't believe that Roger is playing around!

play around

Act playfully or irresponsibly, especially in having a casual or extramarital sexual relationship. For example, She got tired of his playing around and filed for divorce. [1920s]

play around

1. To engage in frivolous or idle activity; goof off: Stop playing around and get to work.
2. play around with To manipulate or work with something without a clear sense of method: We played around with the old television set, trying to see if we could make it work.
3. Slang To engage in romantic or sexual relations with someone; fool around: I think those two are playing around. Who is he playing around with now?

play around

See play around with someone




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