

词组 bell
1. noun
the head of the penis. From the shape UK, 2001.
the clitoris AUSTRALIA, 1988.
a telephone call. Teen slang US, 1951. give someone a bellto telephone someone. From the ringing bell of original telephones UK, 1982. on a bellin television and film making, shooting a scene. From the bell used on location to signal that shooting is about to begin US, 1990
2. verb
to telephone someone. An allusion to Alexander Graham Bell, telephone pioneer, and/or to the bell that rang on early telephones US, 1973
idiombellas sound as a bell BrEBrE1 old-fashioned completely strong and healthy:Your heart's as sound as a bell.2 old-fashioned used in order to say that someone behaves in a fair and honest way, or has sensible ideas:He may seem a bit extreme, but he's as sound as a bell.give sb a bell BrEBrEspoken to call someone on the telephone:I'll give you a bell on Monday to check that it's still OK to met on Tuesday evening.It might be worth giving Peter a bell to make sure he knows what's going on.sb has had his/her bell rung AmEAmEspoken used in order to say that someone has been hit hard in the head:He reminds me of a big old football player who's had his bell rung once too often.Rhonda missed the second session of a two-a-day practice this season because she had her bell rung by a stray ball.sth rings a bell (with sb)spoken used in order to say that you think you remember something, although you are not certain about it:The meeting's sometime next month - the fifteenth rings a bell.No - the name Norman doesn't ring a bell.Someone said we have 500 members - does that ring a bell with you?saved by the bellspoken said when you realize that you will not have to do something difficult, because there will not be time or something unexpected has happened:We'll have to postpone the last item on the agenda - saved by the bell, Jim."I haven't brought my diary, so we'll set the whole thing up later." "Saved by the bell."
  • (as) clear as a bell
  • (as) sound as a bell
  • alarm bell
  • alarm bells start ringing
  • alarm bells start to ring
  • answer the bell
  • as clear as a bell
  • be as sound as a bell
  • be there with bells on
  • bear away the bell
  • bear the bell
  • bell out
  • bell the cat
  • bell the cat, who will
  • bell, book, and candle
  • bell, book, and candle things that are miraculous or that signal that
  • bells and whistles
  • born within the sound of Bow bells
  • clear as a bell
  • dumbbell
  • get (one's) bell rung
  • give (one) a bell
  • give her the bells and let her fly
  • give somebody a bell
  • give someone a bell
  • Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!
  • hell's bells
  • hell's bells and buckets of blood
  • Hell's bells!
  • Ma Bell
  • Mama Bell
  • pull the other leg (it's got bells on)!
  • Pull the other one(, it's got bells on)!
  • ring (one's) bell
  • ring (one's) bells
  • ring a bell
  • ring someone's bell
  • ring the bell
  • rings a bell, that
  • saved by the bell
  • set alarm bells ringing
  • set off alarm bells
  • sound as a bell
  • unring a bell
  • warning bells start ringing
  • warning bells start to ring
  • wear the cap and bells
  • who will bell the cat
  • with bells on
  • you can't unring a bell




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