

词组 glopping
释义 (redirected from glopping)


1. verb To drop or plop something onto something. I have no idea what this is, the lunch lady just glopped it onto my plate. She just glopped the stack of papers onto my desk and left!
2. noun Something unpleasant and mushy, often food. Ugh, I'm not eating that unidentifiable glop—I brought my own lunch from home. That glop all over you better be mud!
3. noun Something, often writing, that is overly sentimental. I gave you an F because your story was pure glop, and I know you can do better.


1. n. unappetizing food; gunk; anything undesirable. Do we have the same old glop again tonight?
2. tv. to slop or plop something (onto something). She glopped something horrible onto my plate.




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