

词组 not touch you with a barge pole
释义 (redirected from not touch you with a barge pole)

not touch (someone or something) with a barge pole

To not want to become in any way involved in or with something or someone. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Ever since the tax scandal in our last company, employers won't touch us with a barge pole. Get that cocaine away from me, I wouldn't touch that with a barge pole!

wouldn't touch something/someone with a barge pole


wouldn't touch something/someone with a ten-foot pole

If you say that you wouldn't touch something or someone with a barge pole, you mean that you do not want to have anything to do with them. The history of the building kept the price down. No one would touch it with a barge pole. A woman like that wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. Note: A barge pole is a very long pole that is used to move a barge (= a long, flat boat) forward.

would not touch someone or something with a bargepole

used to express an emphatic refusal to have anything to do with someone or something. informal
A bargepole is used to propel a barge and to fend off obstacles. The equivalent US expression substitutes a ten-foot pole .

not touch somebody/something with a ˈbargepole

(British English) (American English not touch somebody/something with a ten-foot ˈpole) (informal) refuse to get involved with somebody/something or in a particular situation: I don’t know why she’s marrying that man. I wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole.I wouldn’t touch the job with a ten-foot pole.
A barge is a large boat with a flat bottom which is sometimes moved using a very long pole.




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