

释义 (redirected from INES)
  • (a) method in (one's) madness
  • (a) quarter of (a given hour in time)
  • (a)round these parts
  • (all) great minds run in the same channel
  • (all) in one
  • (all) in the family
  • (as) (a)like as (two) peas in a pod
  • (as) funny as a fart in a spacesuit
  • (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce
  • (as) happy as a duck in Arizona
  • (as) happy as a pig in clover
  • (as) happy as a pig in muck
  • (as) slow as molasses in January
  • (but) not in the biblical sense
  • (deep) in the weeds
  • (every) once in a while
  • (I'll) see you in another life
  • (I'll) see you in church
  • (I'll) see you in the funnies
  • (I'll) see you in the funny pages
  • (I'll) see you in the funny papers
  • (important) milestone in (one's) life
  • (in) back of (something)
  • (in) full rig
  • (in) honor bound (to do something)
  • (in) so far as
  • (in) the devil
  • (in) up to (one's) elbows
  • (in) up to (one's) eye(ball)s
  • (lone) voice in the wilderness
  • (one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
  • (one) has made (one's) bed and (one) will have to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) has to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) must lie in it
  • (one) won't (do something) again in a hurry
  • (one) won't be (doing something) again in a hurry
  • (one) wouldn't (do something) again in a hurry
  • (one's) boat comes in
  • (one's) day in court
  • (one's) heart is in (one's) boots
  • (one's) heart is in (one's) mouth
  • (one's) heart is in the right place
  • (one's) heart isn't in it
  • (one's) life is in (someone's) hands
  • (one's) mission in life
  • (one's) moment in the sun
  • (one's) nose is (always) in the air
  • (one's) ship comes in
  • (something) in a million
  • (stuck) in a rut
  • (the) elephant in the corner
  • (the) elephant in the room
  • (there's) no point (in) (doing something)
  • (with) hat in hand
  • (with) tongue in cheek
  • (with)in striking distance
  • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
  • a babe in arms
  • a babe in the woods
  • a bad taste in (one's)/the mouth
  • a bad taste in the mouth
  • a bang in the arm
  • a beam in your eye
  • a bear in the air
  • a bee in (one's) bonnet
  • a bee in bonnet
  • a big fish in a small pond
  • a big frog in a small pond
  • a bird in hand
  • a bird in the hand
  • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • a blessing in disguise
  • a bone in your leg
  • a bull in a china shop
  • a bumpy ride
  • a burr in (one's) saddle
  • a case in point
  • a cat in gloves catches no mice
  • a chance in a million
  • a change in (one's) stripes
  • a chicken in every pot
  • a chink in somebody's armour
  • a chink in someone's armour
  • a cog in the machine
  • a cog in the machine/wheel
  • a cog in the wheel
  • a cold day in Hell
  • a cold day in July
  • a contradiction in terms
  • a crick in (one's) back
  • a crick in (one's) neck
  • a damsel in distress
  • a deer in (the) headlights
  • a deer in the headlights
  • a dog in the manger
  • a drop in the bucket
  • a drop in the ocean
  • a feather in (one's) cap
  • a feather in someone's cap
  • a feather in your cap
  • a flash in the pan
  • a flea in (one's) ear
  • a flea in ear
  • a flea in your ear
  • a flutter in the dovecote
  • a fly in amber
  • a fly in the ointment
  • a foot in both camps
  • a foot in the door
  • a foothold in (something)
  • a friend in need
  • a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • a frog in (one's) throat
  • a frog in throat
  • a frog in your throat
  • a gleam in someone's eye
  • A growing youth has a wolf in his belly
  • a hair in the butter
  • a hand in
  • a hand in (something)
  • a kick in the balls
  • a kick in the butt
  • a kick in the face
  • a kick in the head
  • a kick in the pants
  • a kick in the shins
  • a kick in the teeth
  • a kick up the backside
  • a knife in the back
  • a knight in shining armour
  • a leap in the dark
  • a leg in the door
  • a legend in (one's) own lifetime
  • a legend in (one's) own lunchtime
  • a legend in (one's) own mind
  • a legend in (one's) own time
  • a legend in their own lifetime
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) brain
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) head
  • a light bulb goes on in (one's) brain
  • a light bulb goes on in (one's) head
  • a line in the sand
  • a link in the chain
  • a lion in the way
  • a little frog in a big pond
  • a lonely little petunia in an onion patch
  • a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
  • a lump in the throat
  • a lump in your throat
  • a marriage made in heaven
  • a marriage/match made in heaven
  • a match made in heaven
  • a match made in hell
  • a mote in someone's eye
  • a nail in somebody's/something's coffin
  • a nail in the coffin
  • a needle in a haystack
  • a notch in (someone's) bedpost
  • a notch in (someone's) belt
  • a one in a million chance
  • a one-in-a-million chance
  • a pain in the neck
  • a pig in a poke
  • a place for everything, and everything in its place
  • a place in the sun
  • a plum in (one's) mouth
  • a plum in your mouth
  • a port in a storm
  • a pricking in (one's) thumbs
  • a pricking in your thumbs
  • a prophet is not without honor save in his own country
  • a riddle wrapped in an enigma
  • a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma
  • a rift in the lute
  • a rod in pickle
  • a roll in the hay
  • a rough diamond
  • a rough ride
  • a round peg in a square hole
  • a say (in something)
  • a serpent in (one's) bosom
  • a shot in the arm
  • a shot in the dark
  • a shot in the locker
  • a shot/stab in the dark
  • a skeleton in the closet
  • a skeleton in the cupboard
  • a skeleton in the cupboard/closet
  • a slap in the face
  • a smack in the face
  • a small cog in a large machine
  • a small cog in a large wheel
  • a small frog in a big pond
  • a snake in (one's) bosom
  • a snake in the grass
  • a snowball's chance in hell
  • a song in (one's) heart
  • a song in your heart
  • a spanner in the works
  • a spring in (one's) step
  • a square peg in a round hole
  • a stab in the back
  • a stab in the dark
  • a step in the right direction
  • a stick-in-the-mud
  • a sting in the tail
  • a stitch in time
  • a stitch in time (saves nine)
  • a storm in a teacup
  • a storm in a teakettle
  • a storm in a teapot
  • a straw in the wind
  • a tale never loses in the telling
  • a tempest in a teacup
  • a tempest in a teakettle
  • a tempest in a teapot
  • a thorn in someone's side
  • a thorn in your side
  • a tiger in your tank
  • a toe in the door
  • a twinkle in someone's eye
  • a viper in (one's) bosom
  • a viper in your bosom
  • a voice crying in the wilderness
  • a voice in the wilderness
  • a walk in the park
  • a weak link
  • a week is a long time in politics
  • a wolf in sheep's clothing
  • a woman's place is in the home
  • a word in (one's) ear
  • a word in someone's ear
  • a/(one's) place in the sun
  • a/the fly in the ointment
  • abet (someone) in
  • abet in
  • able to get a word in edgewise
  • abound in
  • absorb (oneself) in (something)
  • absorb (someone or something) in(to) (something)
  • absorb in
  • absorb oneself in
  • absorbed in thought
  • ace in
  • ace in the hole
  • ace in(to something)
  • ace into something
  • advanced in years
  • after a fashion
  • after the fashion of
  • age in place
  • aging in place
  • agree in principle
  • agreement in principle
  • aid (someone) in (something)
  • aid in
  • aid in doing
  • air (one's) dirty laundry in public
  • air (one's) dirty linen in public
  • air dirty linen in public
  • alike as peas in a pod
  • alike as two peas in a pod
  • all (one's) eggs in one basket
  • all cats are gray in the dark
  • all cats are grey in the dark
  • all in
  • all in (one's) head
  • all in (one's) mind
  • all in a day's work
  • all in all
  • all in good time
  • all in one piece
  • all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor
  • all in the Kool-Aid but don't know the flavor
  • all in the/a day's work
  • all in, be
  • all is fair in love and war
  • all one's ducks in a row, get/have
  • all the difference in the world
  • all the tea in China
  • all the time in the world
  • all-in
  • allow (someone or something) in(to)
  • allow into a place
  • All's fair in love and war
  • All-y all-y oxen free!
  • along in years
  • an arrow in the quiver
  • an end in itself
  • an iron fist in a velvet glove
  • an iron fist in the velvet glove
  • an iron hand in a velvet glove
  • angel in the house
  • another county heard from
  • another nail in (one's) coffin
  • another nail in the coffin
  • ants in one's pants
  • ants in one's pants, have
  • ants in pants
  • ants in the/(one's) pants
  • any port in a storm
  • anyone in their right mind
  • anything in it
  • anything in it for (one)
  • anything/nothing/something in it
  • anything/nothing/something in it for somebody
  • appear in
  • appear in court
  • arbitrate in
  • arm in arm
  • arrive (some place) in a body
  • arrow in the quiver
  • as alike as peas in a pod
  • as alike as two peas in a pod
  • as alike/like as peas in a pod
  • as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
  • as far as in me lies
  • as I see it
  • as much chance as a wax cat in hell
  • As you make your bed, so you must lie on it
  • ask (one) in(to)
  • ask in
  • assist in
  • at a pinch
  • at close quarters
  • at one fell swoop
  • at one go
  • at one sitting
  • at one stroke
  • at that point
  • at that point in time
  • at the forefront
  • at this juncture/moment/point in time
  • at this moment in time
  • at this point
  • at this point in time
  • at/in one fell swoop
  • at/in one go
  • at/in the back of your mind
  • at/in/to the forefront
  • attire (someone or oneself) in (something)
  • attire in
  • babe in arms
  • babe in the woods
  • babe(s) in the woods
  • babes in the wood
  • back in (one's) box
  • back in circulation
  • back in harness
  • back in the day
  • back in the game
  • back in the saddle
  • back in your box
  • back in(to) (the) harness
  • back in(to) circulation
  • back of
  • bad egg
  • ballpark figure
  • ball's in your court, the
  • balm in Gilead
  • bang in
  • bang in (sick)
  • bang in sick
  • bang in the arm
  • barge in
  • barge in on
  • barge in(to)
  • barrel in
  • barrel in(to)
  • base in
  • bash (someone's) brains in
  • bash in
  • bask in
  • bask in reflected glory
  • bathe in
  • bathe in reflected glory
  • bathe/bask in reflected glory
  • bats in one's belfry, have
  • bats in one's belfry, to have
  • be (as) snug as a bug in a rug
  • be (like) a bird in a gilded cage
  • be (not) backward in coming forward
  • be (out) in left field
  • be (sitting) in the catbird seat
  • be (stuck) in a rut
  • be (with)in sight
  • be a (something) in the making
  • be a blessing in disguise
  • be a firm believer in (something)
  • be a great believer in (something)
  • be a great/firm believer in something
  • be a pain in the neck
  • be a shoo-in
  • be a square peg (in a round hole)
  • be a thorn in (one's) flesh
  • be a thorn in (someone's) side
  • be a thorn in your flesh/side
  • be able to (do something) in (one's) sleep
  • be able to do something in your sleep
  • be ahead of (someone or something's) time
  • be ahead of/before/in advance of your time
  • be all in
  • be all in (one's)/the mind
  • be all in a day's work
  • be all in somebody's/the mind
  • be back in business
  • be back in harness
  • be better than a kick in the pants
  • be blowing in the wind
  • be born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth
  • be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
  • be broad in the beam
  • be brought in from the cold
  • be burning a hole in (one's) pocket
  • be burning a hole in your pocket
  • be carved in stone
  • be carved/set in stone
  • be cast in a (some kind of) mold
  • be cast in a mould
  • be cast in cement
  • be cast in concrete
  • be cast in the same mould
  • be caught in a time warp
  • be caught in the act
  • be caught in the crossfire
  • be caught in the middle
  • be clued in
  • be dead in the water
  • be done in
  • be down in the dumps
  • be down in the mouth
  • be engraved in (one's) memory
  • be engraved in (one's) mind
  • be engraved on (one's) heart
  • be engraved on/in your heart/memory/mind
  • be for
  • be for a good cause
  • be for/in a good cause
  • be head over heels (in love)
  • be held in high esteem
  • be held in high regard
  • be in
  • be in (a bit of) a jam
  • be in (one's) altitudes
  • be in (one's) black books
  • be in (one's) blood
  • be in (one's) confidence
  • be in (one's) cups
  • be in (one's) debt
  • be in (one's) dotage
  • be in (one's) element
  • be in (one's) face
  • be in (one's) favor
  • be in (one's) good books
  • be in (one's) good graces
  • be in (one's) hands
  • be in (one's) light
  • be in (one's) pocket
  • be in (one's) Sunday best
  • be in (someone's) bad books
  • be in (someone's) care
  • be in (someone's) shoes
  • be in (something) for the long haul
  • be in a (blue) funk
  • be in a bad mood
  • be in a bad way
  • be in a blue funk
  • be in a class of (one's)/its own
  • be in a class of your, its, etc. own
  • be in a cleft stick
  • be in a different league
  • be in a dream world
  • be in a fix
  • be in a flap
  • be in a good cause
  • be in a groove
  • be in a hole
  • be in a jam
  • be in a lather
  • be in a minority of one
  • be in a pickle
  • be in a snit
  • be in a sorry state
  • be in a spin
  • be in a spot of bother
  • be in a state
  • be in a stew
  • be in a sticky situation
  • be in a sweat
  • be in a tight corner
  • be in a tight spot
  • be in a time warp




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更新时间:2024/9/21 16:44:23