

词组 indoctrinated
释义 (redirected from indoctrinated)

indoctrinate (someone) into (something)

To teach someone the beliefs and practices of a particular organization or group. His defiance lately makes me think that those new friends of his have indoctrinated him into the ways of their gang.

indoctrinate (someone) with (something)

To teach someone something in particular. No wonder your kids have such bad anxiety—you've indoctrinated them with a fear of everything under the sun!

indoctrinate someone into something

to teach someone the ways of a group or some activity. The staff sought to indoctrinate Walter into the ways of office procedure. Todd indoctrinated Ken into camp life.

indoctrinate someone with something

to teach someone the official or fundamental knowledge about something. They indoctrinated all their spies with the importance of being loyal to the death. Ken indoctrinated Todd with revolutionary thinking.




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