

词组 follow up
follow upfollow up (on something)
to act on something.
Some students said they were going to collect clothing, but they didn't follow up.You have to follow up on your application.
to discover more about something.
I'd like to follow up on Rita's question because I'm not sure I understood your answer to her.

Phr V
follow up
follows, following, followed
follow up sth or follow sth up
to do something in order to make the effect of an earlier action or thing stronger or more certainoften + with
If you make a hotel booking by phone, follow it up with written confirmation.We are worried that terrorists will follow up their threats with bomb attacks.
noun singular usually + to
The meeting was a follow-up to the West Africa summit talks.
to find out more about something and take action connected with it
The police were quick to follow up allegations of fraud.
phrasefollow up1. follow up sthfollow sth up to find out more information about something, and take action if necessary: The police received a tip about the robbery, but they never followed it up.+ on Public health officials are following up on numerous health complaints from workers at the factory. SIMILAR TO: investigate2. follow up sthfollow sth up to do something soon after you have done something else, especially in order to make sure it is successful: The treatment is usually followed up by a series of check-ups at the local hospital.+ with The band is planning to follow up their new record with a 3 month tour of the US.follow-up n C,U something that is done after something else, in order to develop it further or to make sure that it is successful: The Pretoria talks were a follow-up to the first meeting between the government and the ANC.follow-up adj only before noun follow-up meetings, visits, activities etc are done after something else, in order to develop it further or make sure that it is successful: They decided to have a follow-up meeting to find out how much progress had been made.

follow up

1. verb To contact someone an additional time to get more information about something. Please follow up with Ingrid to be sure that the project is still on schedule. The doctor's office never called me back, so I'm going to follow up with them tomorrow.
2. verb To follow an action or event with another action or event. We followed up the doctor's appointment with a trip to the ice cream parlor, as promised.
3. verb To check that something was done properly. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "follow" and "up." Ben never follows the instructions I give him, so can you please follow up to make sure he does?
4. noun A subsequent appointment, usually with a doctor for the purpose of monitoring something. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. Apparently, my cholesterol levels were a little high, so I have to go back for a follow-up next month.

follow someone up

 and follow up (on someone)
to check on the work that someone has done. I have to follow Sally up and make sure she did everything right. I follow up Sally, checking on her work. I'll follow up on her.

follow something up

 and follow up (on something)
1. to check something out; to find out more about something. Would you please follow this lead up? It might be important. Please follow up this lead. I'll follow up on it. Yes, please follow up.
2. to make sure that something was done the way it was intended. Please follow this up. I want it done right. Please follow up this business. I'll follow up on it.

follow up

(on someone or something) to find out more about someone or something. Please follow up on Mr. Brown and his activities. Bill, Mr. Smith has a complaint. Would you please follow up on it?

follow up

(on someone) Go to follow someone up.

follow up

(on something) Go to follow something up.

follow up

1. Carry to completion. For example, I'm following up their suggestions with concrete proposals. Also see follow through.
2. Increase the effectiveness or enhance the success of something by further action. For example, She followed up her interview with a phone call. [Late 1700s]

follow up

1. To finish something by means of some final action: They followed the performance up with a stunning encore. The writer followed up his first book with a great sequel.
2. follow up on To enhance the effectiveness of something by means of further action: I followed up on the job interview with an email. Did you follow up on their request?




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