

词组 give them dirty looks
释义 (redirected from give them dirty looks)

give (one) a dirty look

To look at one in an angry, contemptuous, or disapproving manner. Also seen as "give (one) dirty looks." I started telling him about Janet's run-in with the law, but when she gave me a dirty look, I shut my trap. I must have done something really offensive last night because Mike keeps giving me dirty looks.

dirty look, give a

Scowl at someone, look disapproving. For example, When I started to tell the story, Carol gave me a really dirty look. This expression has largely replaced the earlier and more formal black look. [Colloquial; 1920s]

give somebody/get a dirty ˈlook

(informal) look at somebody/be looked at in an angry or a disapproving way: She gave me a dirty look when I suggested that she should go and wash the dishes.




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