

词组 include her out
释义 (redirected from include her out)

include me out

I do not wish to be involved in something. This humorous phrase is attributed to 20th-century movie produce Samuel Goldwyn. Dinner with the in-laws? Yeah, include me out.

include someone out (of something)

Fig. to exclude someone from something. (Jocular.) I am not interested in your games. Include me out of them. Include me out too.

Include me out

I want no part of it. Movie producer Samuel Goldwyn had as many malapropisms and other odd quotations attributed to him as Yogi Berra has, including “That oral contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on” and “Anybody who goes to a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined.” One that caught on above and beyond the entertainment business was Goldwyn's “include me out” for any situation of which someone didn't want to be a part.




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