

词组 scraping acquaintance with her
释义 (redirected from scraping acquaintance with her)

scrape acquaintance with (someone)

old-fashioned To attempt to meet or befriend someone, especially because they may prove useful to one's needs, ambitions, or desires. He is constantly contriving ways to get into these parties so he can scrape acquaintance with someone from the film industry. It's been interesting to watch the people who tried to scrape acquaintance with her as her political career was on the rise just as quickly dissociate themselves from her in the midst of all this scandal.

scrape acquaintance with

contrive to get to know. dated
1992 Atlantic I thought how lucky the Crimms were to have scraped acquaintance with me, for I seldom reveal my identity to ordinary people on my jaunts around the world.

scrape (up) an acˈquaintance with somebody

(informal) try to become friends with somebody because they might be useful to you




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