

词组 becomingness
释义 (redirected from becomingness)

becoming on (someone)

Attractive on someone, as of clothing or other wearable items. That gown is so becoming on you, my dear. My daughter has hazel eyes, so olive green is very becoming on her.

become unstuck

To encounter setbacks or fail altogether. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Boy, this party is really becoming unstuck. First, there was the issue with the caterer, and now half the guests aren't coming.

become grounds for (something)

To form the basis for some action or decision, often one that is disciplinary or legal in nature. If you get caught plagiarizing, it becomes grounds for expulsion, you know.

become involved with (something)

To establish an association, typically work related, with something or some organization. Johnny's become involved with a nonprofit health clinic during his summer vacation. I've become involved with Scott's campaign for mayor.

*becoming on someone

[of clothing] complimentary to someone; [of clothing] enhancing one's good looks. (*Typically: be ~; look ~.) The dress you wore last night is not becoming on you. That color is very becoming on you.

disappointed at someone or something

 and disappointed in someone or something
becoming sad because of someone or something. I am really disappointed at what you did. I am very disappointed in you. That was a terrible thing to do. They were disappointed in the outcome.




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