

词组 conviction
conviction /kənˈvɪkʃən/ noun 1. a very strong belief or opinion or the feeling of being very sure about somethingadjectivesa deep/strong/firm conviction They have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.great conviction He spoke on her behalf with great conviction.absolute/utter conviction She had this absolute conviction that she would be successful.an unshakeable conviction (=that no one can change) He had the unshakeable conviction that he was right.political/religious/moral convictions She has strong political convictions. | Some people refuse medical treatment because of their religious convictions.personal convictions People should vote according to their personal convictions.verbshave/hold a conviction Americans held the firm conviction that anyone could become rich if they worked hard.share a conviction Many other leaders share the prime minister’s conviction.express a conviction He often expressed his conviction that men are superior to women.strengthen/reinforce sb’s conviction (=make it stronger) Their arguments only strengthened my conviction.confirm sb’s conviction (=make someone know they are right) The discovery confirmed our conviction that he was dead.shake sb’s conviction (=stop someone being sure about something) Nothing could shake her conviction that she was right.lack conviction It was a reasonable explanation, but her voice lacked conviction.carry conviction (=sound convincing) His words did not carry conviction.prepositionswith conviction She spoke quietly but with conviction.without conviction Everything will be fine, she said to herself without conviction.phraseshave the courage of your convictions (=continue to do what you think is right, even when people say you are wrong) You have to have the courage of your convictions and stand up to your boss.2. a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime, or the process of proving that someone is guiltyadjectives/nouns + convictiona criminal conviction Jason already had a criminal conviction for theft. | Applicants are checked for criminal convictions.a previous/prior conviction (=a crime someone was found guilty of in the past) She was given a light sentence as she had no previous convictions. | The man had five prior convictions for being drunk and disorderly.wrongful conviction (=a situation in which someone is wrongly found guilty) The trial led to the men’s wrongful conviction.a motoring/driving conviction Do you have any motoring convictions?a drug/drugs conviction (=for selling or using illegal drugs) He lost his job following a drugs conviction.a murder conviction also a homicide conviction AmE (=for killing someone) He appealed against his murder conviction.a manslaughter conviction (=for killing someone but not deliberately) The judge gave her a manslaughter conviction.a felony conviction AmE (=for a serious crime such as murder) He got his first felony conviction at the age of 19.a fraud conviction (=for deceiving someone to get money) No bank would ever employ someone with a fraud conviction.verbshave a conviction You must declare whether you have any convictions.lead to/result in a conviction They offered a reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer.get/obtain/secure a conviction (=make someone be found guilty) The police are confident of getting a conviction. | The prosecution had obtained a conviction based on false evidence.escape conviction (=not be found guilty) He was lucky to escape conviction for murder.appeal against a conviction (=ask a court of law to change it) The men intend to appeal against their convictions.overturn a conviction also quash a conviction BrE reverse a conviction AmE (=officially say that it was wrong) The Court of Appeal quashed their convictions.uphold a conviction (=officially say that it was right) The conviction was upheld by the Supreme Court.conviction + nounsthe conviction rate (=how many people are found guilty in court) The conviction rate for these crimes is increasing.prepositionsa conviction for sth This was her third conviction for theft.




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