

词组 boring
boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ adjective not interestingnounsa boring job I had a boring job in a bank and I couldn’t wait to leave.boring work She was fed up with doing the same boring work every day.a boring person/man/woman Her husband is the most boring person I’ve ever met – all he wants to talk about is football. | My parents were boring people who never wanted to go anywhere.a boring subject I always thought that physics was a boring subject when I was at school.a boring book/film/programme The book was so boring that she never finished it.a boring life My life is never boring!a boring place/town It’s a boring town with nothing for teenagers to do.a boring day/evening/morning He arrived home after another boring day at the office.a boring meeting The meeting was long and boring.boring details I’m not interested in all the boring details.the boring bits informal (=the boring parts of something) He didn’t bother to read the boring bits.adverbsreally boring I think golf is really boring.incredibly boring (=very boring) The work is incredibly boring.mind-numbingly boring (=extremely boring) The meeting was mind-numbingly boring and I fell asleep halfway through.dead boring informal (=very boring) The film sounds dead boring.verbsget boring The game gets boring after a while.find sth boring Some people find her books really boring.sound boring I know it sounds boring, but I’d like to see the film again. Don’t say I feel boring. Say I feel bored.prepositionsboring for sb The concert was very boring for the children.phrasesdull and boring Life seemed very dull and boring.the same boring things We always talk about the same boring things.You use boring when expressing your feelings very strongly and directly, usually in more informal English, for example when talking to someone you know well.Instead of saying boring, you can say that something isn’t very interesting. This sounds gentler and less direct: The story wasn’t very interesting.THESAURUS: boring dullfilm | place | routine | life | job | man | day | affair rather boring, especially because nothing exciting happens. Dull is more formal than boring and is used mainly in writing: The film was rather dull and I wished I had stayed at home. | A world without music would be a very dull place. | She wanted to escape the dull routine of her life. | He was always busy and life was never dull. | She caught the same train every morning to the same dull job. | Derby was a dull man who spent most of his life in business meetings. | It looks like another dull day outside (=the sky is grey and there is no sunshine). | The conference was usually a dull affair. | We have five children, so there’s never a dull moment in our house.You can use dull about colours that are not very bright or exciting: The room was painted a dull dark green colour. tediousprocess | task | job | work | journey | wait | paperwork | debate | business very boring and taking too long, so that you feel impatient: Applying for a visa is a long and tedious process. | Jake began the tedious task of sorting through his papers. | Planting seeds can be a tedious job but the results are very satisfying. | Pulling up the sails was tiring and tedious work. | After a tedious journey, we finally arrived in Paris. | There was a tedious wait to get on the plane. | My job involves a lot of tedious paperwork. | There was a long and tedious debate in parliament. | Checking that all the names are correct is a tedious business (=a tedious thing to have to do). monotonousvoice | work | job | task | diet | routine | existence something that is monotonous is boring because it is always the same and does not change: The speaker’s voice was very monotonous and I found myself falling asleep. | Factory work is monotonous and unchallenging. | She was doing a tough and monotonous job. | Sam began the monotonous task of ironing the clothes. | He ate a monotonous diet of fish and rice. | Her life followed the same monotonous routine of making meals and taking the children to school. | Raj wants some excitement to improve his monotonous existence. | He has won the race every year, with monotonous regularity (=used when the same thing keeps happening and you know it will happen again). mundanematter | issue | task | details | world relating to ordinary things that you do every day, rather than more exciting things: Instead of philosophy and politics, he preferred to talk about more mundane matters. | Most of their arguments were about mundane issues such as money. | His duties included mundane tasks such as getting us out of bed in the mornings. | Her boss wasn’t interested in the mundane details of her life. | Our world must seem very mundane compared to hers. humdrumlife | existence | routine | job | work boring because nothing new or interesting ever happens: He wanted to escape from his humdrum life at the office. | Yasmin saw travel as a way out of her humdrum existence. | When the excitement was over, he could get back to his humdrum routine. | There are a lot of humdrum jobs to be done. | I had to do all the humdrum work when I first started my job. drysubject | topic | report | debate | reading a dry subject, piece of writing etc is boring because it is very serious and does not contain any humour: Economics can be rather a dry subject and it is difficult to make it interesting for students. | House insurance is something of a dry topic. | The report was incredibly dry, and he didn’t finish reading it. | We listened to a dry debate about government spending. | Books on statistics are usually dry reading. drearyplace | town | suburb | landscape | life | weather not interesting, and making you sad or bored: The town is a dreary place in the winter. | He grew up in a dreary suburb of Paris. | Films were a way of escaping from their dreary lives. | The English weather was cold and dreary (=very grey and with no sunshine).ANTONYMS interesting




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