

词组 shock
noun | verb
shock1 /ʃɒk $ ʃɑːk/ noun 1. a strong feeling of surprise, especially because of something unpleasantadjectivesa big/great shock It was a big shock when he lost his job.a terrible/awful shock Her death was a terrible shock to everyone.a complete/total shock No one expected the factory to close – it was a complete shock.a nasty shock especially BrE (=very unpleasant and upsetting) Come and sit down. You’ve had a nasty shock.the initial shock (=the shock when something first happens) After the initial shock when she discovered she was pregnant, she soon got used to the idea.nouns + shockculture shock (=the feeling of being confused or anxious when you visit a place that is very different from what you are used to) Moving to London was a bit of a culture shock after ten years of living in the country.verbsget/have a shock I got a shock when I saw how thin he had become.give sb a shock Oh! You gave me quite a shock.get over/recover from a shock He hasn’t got over the shock of losing his job yet.lessen a shock (=make it less strong) Knowing that someone is going to die does not lessen the shock when it happens.shock + nounsshock tactics (=ways of attracting people’s attention by shocking them) The latest advertisement uses shock tactics to get people to drive more safely.shock value (=an interesting quality that something has because it is shocking) A lot of the things he did were for shock value.a shock decision/announcement/defeat etc (=one that was not expected) His shock resignation surprised everyone.prepositionsshock at sth Neighbours expressed their shock at the murder.the shock of sth The shock of the burglary could have caused her death.in shock (=shocked) I’m in shock – I can’t believe this has happened.with a shock She realized with a shock that he was dead.phrasesa feeling/sense of shock He realized with a sense of shock that he had been shot.come as a shock also be a bit of a shock BrE especially spoken (=be very unexpected) The collapse of the company came as a shock to us all. | I wasn’t expecting to win, so it was a bit of a shock.be a shock to the system (=be strange because you are not used to something) Having to work full-time again was quite a shock to the system.be in for a shock (=be likely to have a shock) Anyone who thinks that bringing up children is easy is in for a shock.be in a state of shock also be in deep shock (=be very shocked and upset) Eva left the room in a state of shock.get the shock of your life (=get a very big shock) He got the shock of his life when he found out who I was.nearly die of shock informal (=be very surprised) I nearly died of shock when I saw Helen at the door.2. a medical condition you get after a bad or frightening experienceadjectivessevere shock (=serious) Many of the victims were suffering from severe shock.mild shock (=not very serious) She was taken to the hospital with symptoms of mild shock.delayed shock (=not immediately after a shocking event) Delayed shock can affect people in many different ways.nouns + shockshell shock (=mental illness caused by terrible experiences fighting a war) Many of the soldiers who returned from the war were suffering from shell shock.verbsbe in/be suffering from shock He was bleeding from the head and suffering from shock.go into shock A person can go into shock for many different reasons.treat sb for shock The driver was treated for shock and later released from hospital.
noun | verb
shock2 /ʃɒk $ ʃɑːk/ verb to make someone feel very surprised and upset, and unable to believe what has happenedadverbsshock sb deeply The news had shocked him deeply.be easily shocked Don’t go see this movie if you are easily shocked.nounsshock the world At the time, his crimes shocked the world.shock the nation The king’s announcement shocked the nation.phrasesbe shocked to hear/see sth I was shocked to hear that Pete had died.be shocked to find/discover/learn sth We arrived at the hotel, and were shocked to find that our reservation had been cancelled.have/lose the power to shock (sb) These old photographs still have the power to shock.be shocked into action They were shocked into action when a group of men with guns arrived in the area.




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