

词组 nostalgia
nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə $ nɑː-/ noun a feeling that a time in the past was good, or a memory of a good time in the pastadjectivesgreat nostalgia I read the college newsletter with great nostalgia.pure nostalgia It was an evening of pure nostalgia, as the band played hits from the 1960s.verbsfeel/have nostalgia He didn’t feel any nostalgia for his school days. | The immigrants I spoke to often had an intense nostalgia for their homeland.wallow in nostalgia (=enjoy remembering a good time in the past) It’s fun to look back at old photos and wallow in nostalgia.prepositionsnostalgia for sth Many people feel nostalgia for the old days.phrasesa sense/feeling of nostalgia It gave me a sense of nostalgia to hear him play the piano again.a pang of nostalgia (=a short feeling of nostalgia) She felt a pang of nostalgia for the time when they were all children.a wave of nostalgia (=a sudden strong feeling of nostalgia) As I drove into the village where I grew up, a wave of nostalgia swept over me.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 14:46:49