

词组 loss
loss /lɒs $ lɒːs/ noun 1. a situation in which you do not have something any more, or you have less of somethingadjectivesa great/severe loss He suffered a severe loss of confidence after the accident.a significant/considerable loss This could lead to a significant loss of income.a major loss They have studied how people adjust to major losses in their lives.a total loss There has been a total loss of trust.a temporary/permanent loss He’s suffering from a temporary loss of memory.a rapid/gradual loss Rapid weight loss can cause health problems.financial loss Several clients had suffered financial losses as a result of taking his investment advice.nouns + lossweight loss Weight loss should be gradual.hearing loss Listening to loud music can result in permanent hearing loss.hair loss Some men are embarrassed about their hair loss.heat loss Insulation will reduce heat loss.job losses Further job losses are expected.verbssuffer a loss of sth They have suffered a loss of their traditional authority.result in/lead to/cause a loss of sth The decision will result in the loss of 80 jobs. | This brain disorder causes a loss of balance.prevent/reduce the loss of sth If you keep saving your files, this will prevent the loss of your work if there is a power failure. | This covering will reduce the loss of moisture from the soil.phrasesloss of memory also memory loss Have you ever had a loss of memory as a result of a blow to the head?loss of blood also blood loss She was weak from loss of blood.loss of appetite Depression is a very common cause of loss of appetite.loss of confidence She was bullied at school and she still suffers from a loss of confidence.loss of control Drinking often results in loss of control over one’s life.loss of earnings/income The insurance policy compensates you for loss of earnings.2. if a business makes a loss, it spends more than it earnsadjectivesa big/huge/massive loss Many football clubs have made big losses.a substantial loss If we sell the property now, we will make a substantial loss.a small loss Their small loss had turned into a very big one.a net loss (=after tax and costs are paid) The company reported a net loss of $28 million.verbsmake a loss also incur a loss formal The restaurant made a loss last year. | The group incurred total losses of £9.7 million.run/operate at a loss (=make a loss while operating as a business) The business is currently running at a loss.report a loss Last year the company reported a loss of £4.2 million.recoup your losses (=get money back) The company will try to recoup its losses by charging customers more.prepositionsa loss of £50,000/$10 million etc The company is expected to make a loss of about £2 million.3. used when talking about someone's death adjectivesa terrible loss You have suffered a terrible loss.a sad/tragic loss Her family are trying to come to terms with their tragic loss.a great/huge loss When his wife died, it was a great loss.heavy losses (=the death of many people in fighting) The British armed forces had suffered heavy losses.Losses in the plural usually refers to deaths caused by fighting in war.phrasesloss of life/lives The flooding caused great devastation and loss of life.People sometimes say I’m sorry for your loss to someone whose relative has just died.verbssuffer losses (=have your soldiers or other people killed in war) They said they had suffered no losses in the attack.inflict losses (on sb) (=kill your enemy’s soldiers or other people) The government claimed to have inflicted heavy losses on the rebels.result in/lead to/cause a loss The accident resulted in the loss of 13 lives.mourn the loss of sb He was mourning the loss of his close friend, Paddy.prepositionsthe loss of sb She had quickly adjusted to the loss of her mother.




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