

词组 future
noun | adjective
future1 noun the time after the present, or what will happen to someone or something thenphrasesin the near future (=soon) We’re planning to move house in the near future.in the immediate future (=very soon) There will be no major changes in the immediate future.in the distant future (=a very long time from now) I don’t worry about what might happen in the distant future.in the dim and distant future (=such a long time from now that you do not know if something will ever happen) He plans to get married in the dim and distant future.in the not too distant future (=quite soon) We’re planning to go there again in the not too distant future.for the foreseeable future (=for as long as you can imagine) The population is expected to keep growing for the foreseeable future.sb’s plans/hopes for the future What are your hopes for the future?worries about the future I don’t have any worries about the future.what the future holds/will bring (=what will happen) No one knows what the future holds for the company.sb has a great/bright future ahead of them He’s a fantastic actor and has a great future ahead of him.sb’s/sth’s future is in sb’s hands (=they will decide or control it) The corporation’s future is in the hands of a new management team.adjectivesa great/good future The country has a great future.the long-term future (=a long time from now) The long-term future of the collection remains uncertain.a bright/promising/rosy future (=likely to be good or successful) Her future as a tennis player looks promising.a bleak/grim/dark future (=without anything to make you feel hopeful) The theatre is losing money and its future looks bleak.an uncertain future (=not clear or decided) The college’s future is now uncertain.a secure future (=good and definite) This job offers a secure future.sb’s/sth’s financial future He wanted a secure financial future for his family.sb’s/sth’s political future His political future depends on the outcome of the war.a country’s economic future Graduates are crucial to Britain’s economic future.verbs + futurepredict the future No one can predict the future.foretell the future (=say what will happen in the future, especially using magical powers) The god Apollo gave her the power to foretell the future.see/look into the future (=know what will happen in the future) I wish I could see into the future.look to the future (=think about or plan for the future) She could now look to the future with confidence.plan/make plans for the future As soon as she knew she was pregnant, she started to plan for the future.have a ... future The company has a great future.face a bleak/grim etc future Many pensioners face a bleak future.threaten sb’s/sth’s future Global warming is threatening the future of life on this planet.build/create a future We will work together to build a better future.shape sb’s future Your boss is the one who recommends you for promotions and shapes your future.secure/ensure/safeguard sth’s/sb’s future (=make sure that they will continue or be all right) We have secured the future of the railway.future + verbsthe future looks good/bright etc The future looks good for the company.sb’s/sth’s future lies in/with sth (=is related to a particular thing) The country’s economic future lies with its skilled workforce.prepositionsin the future This lack of control may cause problems in the future.In British English, in future is used to mean “from now”: I will be more careful in future.THESAURUS: futurethe time after now from now on used when saying that something will always happen in the future, starting from now: From now on, I’m not letting anyone borrow my car. | The meetings will be held once a month from now on. | From now on, you will have to make your own lunch. | From now on, homeowners will have to get a city permit if they want to build an addition onto their homes. years/days etc to come for a long time in the future: In years to come, people will look back on the 20th century as a turning point in history. | Nuclear power stations will still be needed for a long time to come. in the long/short/medium term use this to talk about what will happen over a period from now until a long, short etc time in the future: We don’t know what will happen in the long term. | In the short term, things look good. | Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term. on the horizon used when talking about what is likely to happen in the future: There are some big changes on the horizon.what will happen to sb/sth sb’s/sth’s future what will happen to someone or something: He knew that his future was in films. | Shareholders will meet to decide the company’s future. fate someone or something’s future – used especially when you are worried that something bad could happen: The fate of the hostages remains uncertain. | The show’s fate lies in the hands of TV bosses (=they will decide what happens to it). destiny what will happen to someone in their life, especially something important: Sartre believed that everyone is in charge of their own destiny. | He thinks that it is his destiny to lead the country. the outlook what will happen, especially concerning business, the economy, or the weather: The economic outlook looks good. | Here is the weather outlook for tomorrow. prospect the idea or possibility that something will happen: They face the prospect of another terrorist attack. | Prospects for a peace settlement don’t look too good. fortune what will happen to a person, organization etc in the future – used especially when talking about whether or not they will be successful: Fans are hoping for a change in the club’s fortunes. | Two years ago, my financial fortunes took a turn for the better (=they improved). | In 1680 he decided that his fortune lay in the theatre.
noun | adjective
future2 /ˈfjuːtʃə $ -ər/ adjective [only before noun] likely to happen or exist at a time after the presentfuture + nounsfuture generations It is important to preserve the countryside for future generations.future plans I don’t know what my future plans are at the moment.future events The leaflet has details of future events at the college.future development/direction He feels uncertain about the future direction of his career.future growth Research is vital for the future growth of the company.a future role There has been a lot of discussion about the future role of the monarchy.future research/work This is a topic for future research.future prospects (=what is likely to happen to someone or something) The team’s future prospects look good.future success We’re looking forward to the future success of the team.sb’s future wife/husband (=the person who you later marry) She met her future husband while they were at university.phrasesin future years We are hoping the birds will survive, and breed in future years.at a future date (=at some time in the future) The decision will be made at some future date.for future use They kept the other bottles for future use.for future reference (=for you to look at for information in the future) He took some notes for future reference.




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