

词组 event
event /ɪˈvent/ noun 1. something that happens, especially something important, interesting, or unusualadjectivesan important event It’s natural to be nervous before such an important event.a big/major/significant event (=important) Getting married is a major event in anyone’s life.a political/historical event The French Revolution was the result of a complex series of historical events.a historic/momentous event (=very important and having a big effect) The signing of the peace treaty was a historic event. | Everyone remembers the momentous events of 9/11.a dramatic event (=very exciting) The dramatic events were broadcast live all over the world.a terrible/tragic event The court heard evidence of the tragic events that led to his death.current events (=happening now) The website has news of current events in the US.recent events/the latest events Recent events in the country have caused great concern. | We will be bringing you news of all the latest events.the day’s/week’s etc events We sat down to discuss the day’s events.a traumatic event (=very upsetting) He was forced to relive the traumatic events of his kidnap.a rare/unusual event A sighting of a white deer is a rare event.an unlikely event Should this unlikely event take place, they want to be prepared.a common/everyday event The death of a child was a common event in those days.verbsan event happens/takes place also an event occurs formal When traumatic events happen, we need our families around us.events unfold (=happen, usually in an exciting or unexpected way) I watched the dramatic events unfold from my window.events lead (up) to sth (=cause it) His assassination was one of the events that led to the First World War.celebrate/commemorate/mark an event (=do something to show that you remember it) Fans observed a minute’s silence to commemorate the tragic event.witness an event (=see it happen) Luckily, a film crew was there to witness the event.record an event (=write down or photograph what happened) Two photographers recorded the events.phrasesa series/sequence of events (=related events that happen one after the other) The book describes the sequence of events leading up to the war.a chain of events (=a series of events where each one causes the next) He set in motion a chain of events that he couldn’t control.the course of events (=the way in which a series of events happens) Nothing you could have done would have changed the course of events.the events surrounding sth (=the events that are closely related to it) The events surrounding her death remain a mystery.THESAURUS: event occurrence /əˈkʌrəns $ əˈkʌrəns/ formal something that happens – used especially when saying how often something happens: Divorce is a common occurrence these days. | Storms like this one are fortunately a rare occurrence. | Accidents are almost a daily occurrence on this road. incident something that happens, especially something that is unusual or unpleasant, or something that is one of several events: He died after a violent incident outside a nightclub. | This latest incident could put an end to his career. | It was an unfortunate incident, which will not happen again. occasion an important social event or celebration: She only wore the dress for special occasions. | It was his 100th birthday, and friends and family gathered to mark the occasion. affair something that happens, especially something shocking in political or public life which involves several people and events: The affair has caused people to lose confidence in their government. phenomenon /fɪˈnɒmənən, fɪˈnɒmɪnən $ fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn, fɪˈnɑːmɪnɑːn, -nən/ something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand: natural phenomena such as earthquakes and floods | Homelessness is not a new phenomenon.2. a performance, sports competition, party etcadjectives/nouns + eventa social event (=at which people meet and spend time together for pleasure) I don’t go to many social events since my husband’s death. | The end-of-year party was an important social event.a sporting event Many of the weekend’s sporting events were cancelled due to bad weather.a cultural event You can buy a monthly guide to the cultural events in London.a musical event The building is used for theatre productions and musical events.a charity/fund-raising event (=to raise money for poor, sick etc people) Forthcoming fund-raising events include a sponsored five-mile walk.a media event (=getting a lot of attention in newspapers, on television etc) The Oscars is an important media event.a family event We produce photographs for family events such as weddings and christenings.verbsgo to an event also attend an event formal Unfortunately, the prime minister will not be able to attend the event.arrange/organize an event They arrange social events every Friday night.hold/stage an event (=organize a public event) The charity plans to stage several fund-raising events this year.support an event (=by paying to go to it) I’d like to thank everyone who came tonight for supporting the event.boycott an event (=refuse to go to it as a protest) The games went ahead despite threats to boycott the event.sponsor an event (=give money to an event, especially in exchange for the right to advertise) The idea is to get companies to sponsor sporting events.publicize an event (=let people know about it using advertisements, interviews etc) The event wasn’t very well publicized.an event takes place Various social events take place during the year.




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