

词组 energy
energy AC /ˈenədʒi $ -ər-/ noun (plural energies) 1. power used to provide heat, operate machines etcadjectives/nouns + energysolar energy (=from the sun) The water is heated using solar energy.nuclear/atomic energy The problem with nuclear energy is dealing with the waste. | a report on the cost of nuclear energywind/wave energy The windmill uses wind energy to crush grain and pump water.renewable energy (=energy such as solar or wind energy that can be replaced naturally) Switching to sources of renewable energy will reduce carbon emissions.alternative energy (=from sources other than oil, coal, or nuclear energy) It is the first form of public transport to be powered by alternative energy.clean/green energy (=causing no pollution) The aim is to provide 80% of electricity from clean energy sources.verbsgenerate/produce energy It is possible to generate energy from waste.supply/provide energy The wind farm will provide enough energy for 100,000 homes.use energy Washing machines use a lot of energy.save/conserve energy (=not waste it) An efficient boiler will conserve energy and save you money.store energy Batteries store the energy from the solar panels.harness energy (=get energy from somewhere and use it) The system is designed to harness the energy of the waves.release energy Fuels release energy when they react with oxygen.energy + nounsenergy use also energy consumption formal 30% of all our energy use is in the home. | We all need to reduce our energy consumption.energy production Energy production has fallen.energy conservation (=preventing it from being wasted) There will be taxes to encourage energy conservation.energy efficiency This guide provides advice on ways of improving energy efficiency.energy needs/requirements Sixty percent of the country’s energy needs are met by imported oil.energy supplies/resources The world’s energy resources are being used up at an alarming rate. | We must secure the country’s future energy supplies.an energy source Nuclear power is one of the few energy sources that does not pollute the atmosphere.an energy shortage California experienced energy shortages that in turn led to power outages.an energy crisis Europe could soon face an energy crisis.an energy bill (=the amount someone spends on energy or a statement showing how much someone owes for it) We are looking at ways of cutting our energy bill.energy prices Energy prices keep going up.an energy company/the energy industry Energy companies are making massive profits. | We need greater regulation of the energy industry.prepositionsenergy from sth The water is heated using energy from the sun.phrasesa source/form of energy Coal is more expensive than other sources of energy.the demand for energy The demand for energy in developing countries will continue to grow.2. the physical and mental strength that makes you able to do thingsphrasesbe full of energy/be bursting with energy (=have a lot of energy) I felt happy and full of energy. | The children were all bursting with energy.a lack of energy Common symptoms include a loss of appetite and a lack of energy.a burst of energy (=a short sudden increase in energy) He tried to summon up one final burst of energy, but his legs wouldn’t respond.verbshave a lot of/little/no etc energy He always has plenty of energy!lack energy (=have no energy) She lacked the energy to continue.put energy into sth I really put a lot of energy into what I do. | Try to put more energy into your game.channel your energy into sth (=use your energy doing something, rather than other things) She should channel more of her energy into her studies.devote your energy to sth (=use most of your energy doing something) Models devote all their energy to looking perfect.conserve energy (=use as little as possible) The lions spend much of the day sleeping, conserving energy for the hunt.waste energy Don’t waste energy making excuses.run out of energy (=have none left) The players seemed to be running out of energy.drain/sap your energy (=make you tired) The long walk in hot weather sapped our energy.summon up/find the energy to do sth (=manage to do something even though you feel tired) I couldn’t even summon up the energy to make a cup of tea.your energy flags (=it becomes less and you become tired) After eight laps of the running track, my energy began to flag.sth takes energy also sth requires energy formal Climbing with a full backpack takes a lot of energy.adjectivesboundless energy (=that seems to have no limit) Her boundless energy and lively personality make her a great kids TV presenter.youthful energy (=energy that young people naturally have) She is very talented and full of youthful energy.creative energy (=that makes you want to write, draw, paint etc) We have seen an explosion of creative energy from the band this year. | The city is full of creative energy.nervous energy (=energy that comes from being nervous or excited) She seems to thrive on nervous energy.excess/surplus energy Kids need an opportunity to use up their excess energy.pent-up energy (=used especially when someone feels frustrated because they have a lot of unused energy) He needed an outlet for all his pent-up energy.energy + nounsenergy levels (=the amount of energy someone has) Regular exercise increases your energy levels.an energy boost (=extra energy given by something) If you need an energy boost, a short nap could be the answer.




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