

词组 disagree
disagree /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ verb to have or express a different opinion from someone elseadverbscompletely/totally/entirely disagree Some people say that this is his best film. I completely disagree.strongly/profoundly disagree Although we strongly disagree about politics, we are still friends.sharply disagree (=strongly, and in an important way) The prime minister and foreign minister sharply disagreed on the best way to handle the crisis.fundamentally disagree (=disagree about the most basic aspects of something) John and I fundamentally disagree about the role of women in society.violently disagree (=very strongly and angrily) The brothers had violently disagreed over what should be done with their parents’ estate.prepositionsdisagree with sb/sth I totally disagree with the decision to close the hospital.disagree about/on/over sth Experts disagree on how much the program will cost.THESAURUS: disagree be divided/split if a group of people is divided or split on something, some of them have one opinion and others have a completely different opinion: The party is deeply divided on this issue. differ if two or more people differ about something, they have different opinions from each other about it: The two men differed on how to handle the crisis. not see eye to eye used to say that two people have different opinions and ideas so that it is difficult for them to be friends or work together: Some of the teachers don’t see eye to eye with the principal of the school. be mistaken used to say that you disagree with someone’s opinion and that you think they are wrong: People are mistaken if they think that this problem will go away on its own. take issue with sb/sth formal to express strong disagreement with an idea or with what someone has said or done: A number of people took issue with the mayor’s decision. dissent formal to say publicly that you disagree with an official opinion or one that most people accept: Two members of the jury dissented from the majority verdict.ANTONYMS agree




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